Chapter 25: The Big Question

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All of the good mermaids, humans, and redeemed villains cheered for the blue princess and their triumph from disaster.

"Yellow, thank you for coming back to us and helping my daughter." Queen Hope expressed to her older sister. "Will you be coming home with us?"

"I would love to come home with you and Pink." Yellow confessed. "But, I have my own kingdom. And I can't abandon it or my subjects."

"But, there has to be something we can do." Princess Pink said.

"Maybe there is." Lapis mused, squeezing the Tsunami Trident in her hands. "Jamie, I need your assistance."

Her boyfriend gripped the magical artifact as well and the two lovers concentrated on activating its powers.

"Tsunami Trident!" the princess called with a powerful voice. "On behalf of my family and my friends; I ask you to join the kingdoms of Iridesca and Opalescencia together into one kingdom!"

A growing ball of rainbow magic formed from the points of the trident and burst into a magical shockwave.

"What just happened?" Connie questioned.

"The magic of the trident untied Opalescencia with Iridesca." Lapis explained. "Now every mermaid can live in one kingdom and no one can worry about leaving anybody behind ever again."

"Wow." Greg praised his adopted daughter. "You never cease to amaze us, kiddo."

"Well, now that only leaves us with just one problem left." Queen Yellow emphasized, turning towards the two shackled criminals.

"Guards, see to it that these two are locked in the deepest cell in the Vulcan Penitentiary." Queen Hope ordered two of the royal guard.

"Yes, Your Majesty." one of the guards said, saluting.

"Ugh, you haven't seen the last of me yet; Princess Lapis!" Jasper swore with a crazed look in his eyes. "One way or another, you will be mine!"

"Oh, give it a rest already." Aquamarine complained.

"Come on, you two." one of  the guards commanded as the two villains were taken away. "There's a nice, little prison cell with your names on it."

"Sisters, I don't know what to say." Yellow Diamond told Hope and Pink. "'I'm sorry.' doesn't even begin to describe how terrible I feel for abandoning the two of you."

"It doesn't matter now." the blue mermaid queen assured her.

"Yes it does." the yellow queen argued. "You and Pink needed me to help you raise your daughter. And I deserted you before I even got to meet her. What kind of sister does that make me?"

"It's true that we were hurt when you left, but you're our sister and we still love you." Princess Pink Diamond comforted her. "After all, family is all about forgiveness."

"Well thanks to Lapis, I have two reasons to come home now." the eldest sister smiled. "By the way, I'm impressed with how you exacted discipline upon the criminals back there. And the way you united Opalescensia and Iridesca was awe-inspiring. I think you are going to make a great queen someday."

The blue princess blushed modestly. That was when Jamie tapped her on her shoulder and Lapis turned to his attention.

"You know, we've been through a lot these past few days." the human boy began. "And now that things are cooling down, I-I just can't wait another day."

"Wait another day for what?" the young princess asked curiously.

"Lapis, I feel monumentally lucky to have found a girl as extraordinary as you to be in my life." Jamie declared as he got down on one knee. "And the one thing I want more than anything is for us to be together for the rest of our lives."

He reached in his pocket and pulled something familiar. It was the little box that the princess recovered when it got stuck in that giant clam a while back. The young mermaid had almost forgotten about it because there were more important matters at hand. Lapis' friends' eyes grew wide when they saw it. They knew exactly what it was.

"This is not happening right now." Stevonnie whisper shouted.

"Princess Lapis Lazuli, will you marry me?" Jamie asked with a longing look in his eyes.

Lapis turned to the side to see her friends give her smug looks and silently tell her, "We told you so."

"Well?" the human boy redirected her attention to him.

The young princess with tears in her eyes embraced her true love and answered with overwhelming joy, "Yes, yes, a thousand-times yes!"

The couple spun around as Lapis laughed and cried happy tears. Jamie then took the engagement ring out of the box and placed it on her finger.

"You know, he asked for my blessing almost a week before this moment." Greg disclosed to her.

"You knew?" the blue mermaid said.

"Of course I knew." her adopted  father nodded. "He has my blessing. And so do you."

"You both have my blessing as well." Queen Hope proclaimed.

"Thanks, Mom." her daughter praised her graciously. "And thank you all for helping me to save the marine world from the brink of disaster. We have won this day together. I say this calls for a celebration!"

Everybody clapped and whooped with delight.

Back in Iridesca, there were many things to party about. The oceans were saved from being destroyed forever, the royal sisters were reunited, and best of all; Princess Lapis was now engaged. During the party, there was dancing and reminiscing about the epic adventure.

"We are so proud of you, Lapis." Greg gushed.

"I think you and Mom have said that at least eight times, Dad." Lapis snickered.

"And not even since we got back to Iridesca." Connie added.

"We just so happy to see just how much our princess has grown." Queen Hope said.

"You're not the only ones." Queen Yellow Diamond divulged. "I can't believe my only niece is already going to get married. I really wish I could've been more involved in your childhood."

"I know how you feel." her younger sister empathized.

"Well, there's nothing keeping you away from us now." the blue princess assured her aunt. "Let's try not to miss any other important moments, okay?"

"Now that's a promise I intend to keep." the yellow queen smiled.

Lapis then came in for a big group hug from her whole family, biological and adopted.

Just then, she heard Jamie clear his throat and say, "I hope now's not a completely awkward time to ask you for a dance."

"Since when would anytime with you ever be awkward?" the young princess giggled, joining her fiance.

As the couple danced, Lapis' engagement ring glistened in the shimmering water. She couldn't picture anything better than being engaged to her best friend/dream guy. It seemed like her future had gotten much brighter. After all, what would a would-be queen be without a would-be king?

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