Chapter 22: An Ally from the Other Side

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The mood of the group of heroes was pretty low ever since Princess Lapis went solo.

"I miss Lapis already." Steven lamented.

"Yeah well, she made her choice." Jamie told him with a hurt look on his face.

That was when everybody saw something shiny in the distance. They swam closer to investigate.

"Hey, is that the Tsunami Trident and the Infinity Map?" asked Padparadscha.

"But Lapis took them with her." Peridot pointed out. "So what are they doing here?"

"That's not all." Pearl added, grabbing the necklace hanging from the trident. "Look what else I found."

"Lapis would never go anywhere without her locket." Jamie said. "Unless something happened to her."

"Something like Jasper and the Black Scale Clan kidnapping her!" Stevonnie gasped.

"Guys, we have to save her." Smoky Quartz declared.

"But how are we going to do that?" Ruby asked. "We don't know where she could be."

"I think I might be able to help." an unfamiliar voice said. Everybody turned to the source of the voice.

"Hi. I'm Topaz. I hope I didn't scare you." the burly yellow mermaid waved, trying to be friendly.

"It's one of the members of the Black Scale Clan!" Peridot gasped as everyone got into battle stances.

"No, wait!" Topaz pleaded. "Please, I'm not looking for trouble. I mean you no harm."

"Yeah, right." Amethyst scoffed. "I'm sure you have your partners hiding in wait to surprise attack us."

"That's not true." the yellow mermaid argued. "I came alone. You have to believe me."

"I think she's telling the truth." Stevonnie said as she started to lower her guard.

"You've got nothing else that Jasper and the other Black Scale Clan members would want." the non-threatening mermaid assured the group.

"Then, why did you come looking for us?" Rhodonite asked warily.

"I want to help you rescue your friend." the yellow mermaid answered.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Iris inquired skeptically.

"Please, I've understood how immoral the Black Scale Clan's motives have been." Topaz explained. "Nearly destroying the balance of the ocean is not worth claiming dominance over it. But, I'm always pretending to be supportive of my allies. I have to pretend to be supportive. Their trust means everything to me, but what I'm willing to help you rescue your friend; even if my only friends end up casting me out."

"Maybe we should listen to her." Connie suggested. "After all, any help offered to us is help worth accepting."

"Besides, we'll need all the help we can find if we're going to save Lapis." Steven mentioned.

"If you guys trust her, that's good enough for me." Jamie said to the two younger kids.

"Okay, Topaz." Pearl said to the innocent yellow mermaid. "Lead the way. But no tricks."

"I won't stab you in the back." Topaz vowed. "I promise. This way."

Back at the Black Scale Clan's hideout, the malevolent mermaids were waiting for Jasper and Topaz; who weren't with Holly Blue Agate when she returned.

"Where are Jasper and Topaz?" Aquamarine complained. "The ocean isn't going to conquer itself you know."

"Patience, Aquamarine." Holly Blue Agate calmed the antsy younger mermaid. "We've got all the time in the world to rule over the oceans."

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansWhere stories live. Discover now