Chapter 19: Seeking Out the Queen

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It took awhile, but Princess Lapis and her followers made it to the mermaid kingdom they came all this way for at last.

"Mermaids and humans of all ages, welcome to Opalescensia." Sardonyx announced zealously, presenting the mermaid kingdom like it was a fantastic resort.

Everyone was dazzled by the gratifying city before them.

"I can't believe we're finally here!" Lapis cheered. "Now all we have to do is find Queen Yellow Diamond, learn the location of the secret cave, and save the Oceanic Heart."

"The queen part might be easier said than done." Rainbow Quartz warned the princess.

"What makes you say that?" asked Padparadscha.

"Queen Yellow Diamond almost never leaves her castle these days and she usually doesn't accept any visitors." Sunstone explained.

"Usually?" Peridot echoed.

"She might make a few exceptions, but only if it's extremely urgent." Lemon Jade told her.

"She has to make an exception for me." said Lapis. "I'm her family. And I know that family means more to her than she may let on. Besides, we need her help to find the Oceanic Heart. We're running out of time."

The group of mermaids and humans swam through the grand city until they arrived at the castle doors.

"So, do you think we should all go into the castle together?" Peridot asked.

"I don't know how the queen's going to react to a bunch of strangers roaming aimlessly in her castle halls." Iris said nervously.

"I'll go alone." the young princess declared. "I may be a stranger to her now, but I'm the one stranger she needs to see."

"Okay." Steven nodded. "We'll be waiting for you, sis."

"Good luck." Jamie encouraged Lapis, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.

The blue mermaid entered through the castle's grand door and began to navigate through the winding corridors. It wasn't until an abrupt sound stopped her in her tracks.

"Hey, you!" a voice called out. "Stop right there!"

Lapis whirled around to find an unknown mermaid approaching her. This mermaid looked like she was thirty-five years old and had golden brown skin. She also had golden yellow eyes, straw-colored hair, and a translucent yellow monocle along with a flashy yellow tail.

"No unauthorized mermaids are allowed in the castle without an invitation." the yellow mermaid told the blue girl.

"You know, you remind me of somebody I know back home." the blue princess said, studying the stranger. "Who are you?"

"I'm Queen Yellow Diamond's royal advisor." the monocle mermaid answered. "Now, what are you doing wandering around the corridors of this palace?"

"I desperately wish to seek audience with the queen." Lapis explained.

"I'm sorry." the yellow mermaid apologized egotistically. "But, the queen is not accepting visitors until further notice. Come back tomorrow."

"But, tomorrow will be too late." the younger mermaid argued. "I need to talk to Queen Yellow Diamond now. The entire marine world is at stake. It's a matter of life and death!"

"Alright, I'll let you see her." the royal advisor sighed. "Just don't tell her that I let you."

After arriving at the queen's throne room, the royal advisor let Lapis in; but didn't follow her.

There she was, the mermaid queen that the young princess came all this way for: Queen Yellow Diamond. She looked every bit as regal as Lapis' mother. She had bright yellow eyes, yellow skin, a bob of maize-colored hair, and a dazzling yellow tail. She wore a dark yellow top with shoulder pads with a matching choker and a seashell crown that rested on her forehead.

But as magnificent as she was, the mermaid queen was slumping in her throne as if she had a bad day. From first glance, Lapis could tell that Yellow Diamond looked depressed.

The young princess nervously cleared her throat and said as she curtsied, "Hello, Your Majesty. My name is Lapis Lazuli, princess of Iridesca."

"Who let you in?" the queen asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Your royal advisor." Lapis responded. "She said I looked trustworthy."

"I see." Yellow Diamond said.

"I have so much to tell, but I definitely know where to begin." the blue girl started. "Now, this might be a little random and kind of hard to believe, but... I'm your niece."

"How are you my niece?" the ruler of Opalescensia questioned suspiciously.

"Your sister Hope is my mother." the princess explained. "You just never met me because you left Iridesca right when I was born."

That was when the queen noticed the necklace Lapis wore around her neck.

"I recognize that locket." she said, looking surprised.

"Yeah, my mom gave this to me when I was born." the blue mermaid told her, holding the pendant. "It helps me stay close to her even when we're apart."

"I helped create that locket with my sisters so that we'd have something to give to the new baby." Queen Yellow Diamond continued before gasping. "You are my niece."

She rose from her throne and embraced the child before her. Lapis was a little taken by surprise at first, but quickly warmed up to the hug.

"Oh, does that mean I call you Aunt Yellow now?" she asked.

"You sure can." Yellow chuckled.

"Now tell me." the queen of Opalescensia said. "Why have you come all the way here from Iridesca?"

"It's not good." the mermaid princess answered. "The Black Scale Clan has returned. They teamed up with a sea witch named Jasper and they're attacking the Oceanic Heart."

"Those hoodlum mermaids are back?" Yellow Diamond said. "But how did they know where the Oceanic Heart was? I'm the only one who knows of it's location."

"I have no idea." Lapis replied. "But, that's why I am here. Where is the Oceanic Heart being held? I have to heal the heart before it shatters."

"The Oceanic Heart's cave is out west in the Coral Sea." the queen clarified.

The young mermaid nodded, but then; another thought struck her.

"You know, you should come home with me to Iridesca." she suggested. "It'll be wonderful to have my whole mermaid family together again."

"I can never go back." Queen Yellow Diamond sighed, looking off into the distance. "I was a coward and my sisters probably hate me for it."

"But don't you miss them?" Lapis asked.

"Of course I do." the yellow queen answered. "Not a day goes by that I don't think about them. Nevertheless, I could never forgive myself for being unable to protect Hope. And I certainly can't forgive myself for abandoning my sisters instead of staying to take care of you."

"But, if you just keep moping here alone; it's not going to make things better." her niece tried to reason.

"I'm sorry." the mermaid queen refused. "But, I can never face them again after what happened. I think you better get going. The marine world can't wait to be saved much longer."

"Alright, I'll go." Lapis finally gave in. "And I'm not forcing you to come back to Iridesca. But I'm just saying, it would make your sisters and me happy if you did."

"By the way, I think it's a brave thing what you and your friends are doing." Yellow Diamond said as the young princess was about to leave. "You're so far from home and facing dangerous obstacles in order to save the oceans, all at the expense of your own lives."

"Thank you." the blue mermaid said uncomfortably, hugging herself as she became unsettled by the thought of losing the ones she loved at the hands of some villainous mermaids.

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansWhere stories live. Discover now