Chapter 24: Life and Harmony Restored

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Princess Lapis opened her eyes and found herself floating in a black void.

"Where am I? What ha-" she started, but then gasped after remembering what had just happened. "Oh no. I died. I'm dead!"

She looked desperately around for the sign of any form of life, but she was the only being in this place, much to her great sorrow.

"This can't be how it ends." Lapis cried. "My friends and family are going to suffer at the hands of Jasper. And I can't help them."

"It's not over yet, young princess." said a disembodied voice.

"Who are you?" the blue mermaid asked as she turned around.

There, she found herself face to face with a feminine ghost. She was purplish blue all over and her eyes were white and narrow.

"I am the spirit that resided inside the Oceanic Heart." the being answered.

"But I thought the magic inside the Oceanic Heart perished when the crystal was shattered." Lapis said.

"No, the Oceanic Heart was simply a host for me to take refuge in." the spirit explained. "Now that it's gone, I must find a new host."

"Where will you find this new host?" the mermaid princess inquired.

"I've already found it." it responded. "You are my new host."

"What!?" Lapis was in shock. "Why me?"

"Since your soul was linked to the heart, it's energy flowed through you." the spirit clarified. "That is why your magic is so powerful compared to most other mermaids."

"So, how will I become your new host?" asked the blue mermaid.

"To do so, I must join my spirit with yours." the phantom explained. "The fusion of our life essences will allow your corporal form to resurrect."

"You're saying that if I let you merge with my soul, then I'll come back to life?" Lapis put everything into context.

"Yes, that is the outcome." the spirit nodded. "And you shall have the great honor of being the marine world's newest heart."

"I just want to be back with my friends and family." the young princess told it, after moments of deep thought. "They need me. If that means cheating death, so be it."

"Then, I shall grant you your wish." the ghost kindly told her.

It leaned towards Lapis as if it was about to kiss her, but it was actually absorbing itself into the princess.

"You are now the guardian of oceanic harmony." the spirit's voice echoed. "Now go be there for the ones you love."

Back in the living world, the young blue mermaid's lifeless body began to glow. Her eyes opened to reveal two blinding balls of white light. She ascended from Jamie's arms and rose up tall and strong.

"Lapis?" her boyfriend breathed in astonishment.

The princess's other loved ones were equally bewildered, tears turning from sorrow to joy. Jamie, however was the happiest of all.

"What!?" Aquamarine exclaimed. "You're alive!?"

"That's impossible!" Jasper was aghast. "Your soul was connected to the crystal. You should be dead!"

"But the spirit of the ocean's harmony had chosen me as it's new host." Lapis spoke in an ethereal voice. "The union of our souls has allowed me to come back to life."

"It doesn't matter if you were brought back to life." the evil blue mermaid remarked. "The Oceanic Heart is gone. The balance of the ocean is broken, doomed to eternally discord!"

"Hmm, doesn't look like the ocean's falling apart to me." Amethyst mouthed off.

"You think that by destroying the Oceanic Heart, you kill the harmony of the ocean?" the young princess chastised. "Well, think again. Because the essence of the Oceanic Heart resides within me now. So if you want to bring chaos to the marine world, you'll have to deal with me."

"That can be arranged." Aquamarine sneered.

She unleashed a blast of dark magic at Lapis, which she easily blocked by just raising her hand. The evil blue mermaid tried again, but this time; Jasper joined her to combine his magic with hers.

"Jamie!" she called her true love to her side with the Tsunami Trident in toe.

Jamie joined her and together, the two lovers used the trident to counter the evil duo's attack. The two blasts collided and they pushed each other like a pair of repelling magnets.

In response to this, the other mermaids used their magic to add to the strength of the trident's power. That added magic was enough to push the dark power back to Jasper and Aquamarine.

"The devastation you have brought to my home and my family will not go unpunished!" Lapis declared in a powerful voice. "As long as I stand, I will protect the underwater world from anyone else like you."

After the two villains were subdued, Lapis felt herself faint from the enormous amount of power she used. The glow in her eyes and body dimmed. Her parents quickly rushed to her side with Jamie, Steven, and Connie not far behind. Luckily for everyone, the young princess's fainting spell was very brief.

"Mommy? Daddy?" she murmured, awakening.

"Yes, baby." Queen Hope smiled with tears in her eyes. "We're right here."

"You had us so scared." Greg practically wailed as he and the mermaid queen hugged their child. "We thought we lost you."

"I'm really sorry." Lapis atoned to her adopted father. "But did you see what I did?"

"We sure did." her mother nodded with pride. "And we are so proud of you."

"What is the meaning of this?" Jasper sputtered.

He and Aquamarine were stunned to find that they were each wearing a  pair of handcuffs. What's more, the malevolent creatures couldn't perform a single spell with them on.

"Those shackles I put on you cancel out your powers." Lapis explained. "So you won't be able to make anyone I care about suffer anymore."

"Now, about you five." Queen Hope directed her attention to the other members of the former Black Scale Clan.

"Have mercy, Your Majesty." Holly Blue Agate pleaded.

"Yeah, we're sorry for all the harm we've done." Emerald replied nervously.

"Don't be too hard on them, Mom." the young princess told her mother. "After all, they did have a change of heart and they did say they were sorry."

"Bless you, young princess." Hessonite thanked the blue girl. "Bless you."

"Those two on the other hand are the ones who need judgment." The blue mermaid pointed her thumb back to the ones who turned down redemption.

"What are you going to do with us?" asked Aquamarine with an unfriendly scowl on her face.

"As heir to the throne of Iridesca, I proclaim that Jasper and Aquamarine shall be sentenced to the Vulcan Penitentiary for their crimes." Lapis announced.

"How long?" asked Steven. "Forever?"

"Just long enough for them to reflect on their actions and see the error of their ways." his sister simplified.

"Sounds like a suitable punishment to me." Connie nodded in a approval.

Jasper had a heated look on his face while Aquamarine gulped hard, feeling agitated.

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansWhere stories live. Discover now