Chapter 11: Always With You

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Although she didn't notice that her dream was changing yet, Lapis did feel that something was off. The chest she was resting against felt a lot firmer than Jamie's and very familiar. She opened her eyes and looked up to see who she was sleeping against. And from the moment she saw those unmistakably frightening, glowing amber eyes, she felt like her heart had stopped.

"Not you again." the young princess squeaked.

"It's nice to see you too, my darling." Jasper purred to the young mermaid. "My entourage and I just can't get enough of you."

The members of the Black Scale Clan snickered wickedly as they emerged from the shadows to join the sea witch under the moonlight.

"What do you think of our new recruit, Squaridot?" asked Aquamarine as she gestured to the bright green mermaid.

"New recruit?" Lapis said. "I thought the Black Scale Clan had only five members in it."

"Those were the old days, princess." Squaridot told the frightened girl. "And soon, we will usher in the dawn of a new era, one where the Black Scale Clan will reign over the oceans with an iron fist."

"No way, that's not going to happen." Lapis differed. "You should know that my friends and I are already on to you. And we will do everything in our power to defeat you."

"Don't think that we're not already aware of you and your friends' presence in this ocean." Holly Blue Agate said.

"Your little band of mermaids can't keep you safe forever and neither can those disgusting humans." Emerald sneered.

"They're not disgusting!" the princess blurted out. "They're my family! They're much more pure of heart than you could ever hope to be."

Everyone was taken aback by Lapis's heated remark.

"How dare you talk to us in that tone!" Holly Blue Agate scolded the little mermaid.

"This princess has got a sharp tongue." Hessonite commented. "We should do something about that. Right, ladies?"

"No, no, no; please." Lapis pleaded as the wicked mermaids started to gang up on her. "Keep away from me!"

She tried to swim away, but Jasper's tentacles grabbed her tail before she could get very far.

"Keep still, you little brat." Aquamarine barked as the young princess's arms were trapped to her sides by Jasper's beefy hands.

"Let the vocal extraction begin." Hessonite declared.

"No, not my voice!" Lapis cried and sobbed as she attempted to squirm out of the sea witch's grip, to no avail. "Please don't take my voice!"

"No need to scream, my love." Jasper said softly to the bawling mermaid as he wiped her tears with his tentacle. "This will be quick and painless. And I'll be holding on to you the whole time."

"How is that supposed to make me feel better?" asked Lapis, hysterically.

"When I remove this cork stopper, every last octave of your voice will be drained into this bottle." Squaridot said as she unveiled a bubble shaped bottle the size of an apple. "And then, you will never be able to speak or sing ever again!"

"NO, PLEASE!" the little mermaid princess screamed, wishing she could cover her mouth with her hands. "I'M BEGGING YOU!"

"Enough!" a familiar voice boomed all of a sudden as a wave of blue energy pulsated through the water.

Jasper and the Black Scale Clan faded away right before Lapis's eyes. And there, gracing her daughter with her presence; was Queen Hope.

"Mom?" the young mermaid said in surprise. "What's going on? How are you here?"

"Garnet sensed that you were having a bad dream." the mermaid queen answered. "So she cast a spell to connect our dreams so that we could talk to each other."

"I'm just really glad to see you." Lapis smiled as she rushed into her mom's arms for a warm hug.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Queen Hope asked, holding her child tenderly.

"No." Lapis responded, eyes full of tears. "I just miss you, a lot."

"I miss you too, darling." her mother replied.

After the hug stretched on for awhile, the queen and her daughter sat down to chat.

"How has the journey been so far?" asked the mermaid queen.

"Well, we met a couple of new friends." Lapis told her. "But then, I almost got stuck on an island with these tribal men who wanted me to stay forever and after that, I got trapped inside a giant clam."

"Oh my." her mom commented. "That must have been dramatic."

"I have to admit." the young princess said truthfully. "The Pacific Ocean can be dangerous if you don't know your way around."

"Yes, that was the mostly the reason why I feared for you going to the Pacific Ocean." the queen admitted. "I didn't want you to get hurt by its harsh elements."

"My friends and loved ones will be there to look out for me." Lapis assured her. "They always are. And I'm glad that we have mermaids from this ocean to help guide us too."

"That's true." Queen Hope replied, giving a small smile.

But then, another troubling thought came to her and she asked her child, "But, what about the Oceanic Heart? The more it cracks, the more pain you'll be in. And what's going to happen to you if it shatters?"

"That won't happen." the princess answered. "And nothing bad is going to happen to me that the ones I love can't prevent. I know you only ask because you're worried for me. I get it. It's part of being a mother."

"You're right." the mermaid queen sighed. "I know you're a brave girl. You'll make it through anything."

When she said that, a troubled look spread across her daughter's face as she rested her head on her mother's lap.

"You know, I wish there was a way to keep Jasper and the Black Scale Clan from tormenting me in my dreams." Lapis vented. "I'm kind of afraid of them and I think they know it. And I know you can't always be there to save me from my nightmares every night. What do I do?"

"Just because Jasper and the Black Scale Clan have great power, that doesn't mean that they should get overwhelm you mentally." Queen Hope said as she ran her fingers through her child's hair. "And no matter how far apart we are from each, my love and I will always be with you in your heart."

"I love you, Mom." the young princess replied, softly as she closed her eyes and relaxed her body under her mom's touch.

It was true that Queen Hope wouldn't be able to rescue her daughter from the nightly demons that would haunt her in her dreams. However, if Lapis built up her inner strength, she could battle her own nightmares all by herself. But for now, she wanted to savor the peace that she had with her mom and take comfort in knowing that she was safe in her company.

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