Chapter 6: To the Other Side of the World

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On the surface world, Lapis' adopted father; Greg Universe, his son Steven, and his friend Connie (who had recently got her hair cut) were fishing on the piers by Beach City. When all of a sudden, the water began to bubble radically and the heads of Lapis and Jamie emerged from the water. The three humans were startled at first, but then shocked to see the blue mermaid again so soon.

"Hi, Dad." she smiled.

"Lapis!" her adopted father said in surprise. "We weren't expecting to see you for at least two months, kiddo. What are you doing back here so early?"

"I hope it's for a friendly visit." Steven added, staying positive.

"I wish I could say it was, but there's big trouble happening in the ocean." the mermaid princess answered, solemnly.

Lapis explained the whole situation about the Oceanic Heart and the mermaids who seek to bring harm to it, being backed up by the evil sea witch. The three humans on the pier found this

"So Jasper's back, huh?" Connie said, feeling worried for the blue mermaid.

"Yeah. And that's not all." the young princess replied. "Those really bad mermaids I told you about are known as the Black Scale Clan. And if Jasper and these mermaids aren't stopped, the Oceanic Heart could be shattered and the marine world could fall into eternal chaos. I know it's in danger because I can sense it's damage."

"Wow." the younger girl remarked. "That's definitely a grim predicament."

"In order to save the heart, we need to go to the Pacific Ocean to seek aid from the mermaid queen who rules it." the blue princess added.

"Whoa, Lapis; that ocean is on like the other side of the planet." Greg said to his adopted daughter.

"I know." Lapis acknowledged. "But, Jamie and I think we can use the magic in our bracelets to get us there. They did bring us and our whole calvary here."

She gestured behind her and her mermaid friends emerged from the water, including Stevonnie, Padparadscha, and Ruby.

"Now, you all know why you're here." the young princess issued. "You have been chosen because you each possess a skill or a kind of magic that only you are capable of. We're about to go where no Iridescian mermaid has gone before: the Pacific Ocean. Now keep in mind, we are entering foreign waters and there's no telling what dangers or obstacles we may face."

Some of the other mermaids exchanged worrisome glances and murmured fearfully amongst each other.

"I understand that most of you are scared and if you don't want to come on this quest, that's totally fine." Lapis told her friends. "But if we're going to save the world's oceans, we'll need all the help we can get. If Jasper and the Black Scale Clan are victorious, no one will be safe. And besides, we beat Jasper before and I know we can do it again!"

The mermaids were inspired by the blue girl's speech and cheered wildly.

"There's one more thing I need to discuss." she said as she went to her friends one by one and handed them a colored stone. "I'm giving each of you a magic stone. If there's a situation where we may need to go over land, these stones will turn you into humans, just like my locket does for me."

"I know you look like you have everything figured out, sweetie; but where do we fit into all this?" Lapis' adopted father asked.

"I need a group of humans who will provide us with the transportation, nourishment, and navigation will be necessary for this mission." the blue princess explained. "And I know that you, Steven, and Connie are the best candidates for the job."

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansWhere stories live. Discover now