Chapter 13: An Environmental Situation

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Princess Lapis was doubled over in excruciating pain when a dark shape overshadowed her and her friends.

"What in the world is that?" Rhodonite asked, shivering in fright.

Everyone swam up to the surface to investigate this strange blob. When they got there, the mermaids and humans saw that it was a large plume of black ooze.

"Eww, that's disgusting!" Peridot remarked.

"It's pollution." Lapis said softly, a look of terror spreading across her face.

"It almost looks like an oil spill." Steven hypothesized, examining the black gunk.

"But, there aren't any oil rigs around for miles." Sunstone told him.

"Unless a boat came by and dropped a canister of oil here." Ruby guessed.

"We didn't hear any boats coming and there were certainly no canisters on the sea floor." Pearl replied.

"Then, where did it come from?" Sapphire asked. "It's not like the oil appeared out of thin air."

"Gee, I've seen oil spills on the news." said Connie. "But, they never looked as bad as this."

"Yeah, but with the Oceanic Heart being damaged; the greatness of the pollution is magnified by itself." Lapis told her.

"It's not important how the oil spill got here." Stevonnie verified. "What is important is that we need to get rid of it before any creatures get sick from it."

"I agree." the young princess said, approaching the pollution.

"Be careful." Opal warned, grabbing her shoulder. "That stuff is extremely toxic to mermaids."

"It's toxic to everyone." Lapis replied. "That's why we need to handle the situation before it gets worse. Fortunately, my mom taught me to use my magic to cleanse pollution."

Just as she was about to work her magic, the oil began to ascend and tried to the young princess's wrist. However, she retracted it just in time. The oil kept rising until it looked like some legless, gooey monster.

"Yikes!" Jamie interjected. "Pollution never fought back before."

"Must be enchanted somehow." Smoky Quartz thought aloud.

"Emerald." Lapis gasped upon realization. "I bet she created this pollution with her magic."

"My, aren't you a clever princess?" Emerald commented from behind, startling the blue girl.

"Why are you doing this?" the blue princess demanded. "Get rid of this right now. It's bad for the environment!"

"It's not going to go away until it's done it's job." the evil green mermaid stated.

"What job?" Lapis questioned.

"Why, catching you of course." Emerald answered. "As soon as your friends are taken care of, there will be no one else left standing in the way of your capture. Once that greasy oil comes in contact with your skin, it'll zap you of your energy; leaving you weak and defenseless as I bring you back to Jasper. You will be ours, all ours!"

"It'll take more than some monstrosity made of industrial sludge to stop me." the blue girl told her bravely.

"But, can you say the same for your friends?" the corrupt mermaid asked, smirking.

Lapis turned around to see that the oil monster was about to descend on Jamie, much to her horror.

"Jamie, get back!" she cried out to her boyfriend. "Don't let it touch you!"

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansWhere stories live. Discover now