Chapter 4: The Black Scale Clan Rises Again

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Meanwhile in the southern Pacific Ocean, the evil sea witch Jasper was conversing with a group of five malicious mermaids: Emerald, Aquamarine, Topaz, Holly Blue Agate, and Hessonite.

Emerald was slender and about thirty four years old. She had mint green skin, sinister green eyes, spiky dark green hair, and a dazzling green tail with black outlining around the scales. She also wore a gold tiara just above her eyes and a dark green top.

Hessonite was as lanky and tall as Emerald, and was around thirty six years old. She had a light orange complexion, an afro of curly pale blonde hair, creamy white and vermilion eyes, and a shiny orange and black tail. She also wore a dark orange top with poofy sleeves.

Holly Blue Agate was muscular and looked around forty-five years old. She had a periwinkle blue complexion, violet eyes, pale lavender hair styled in two pointy buns, a dark navy blue top with a blue shawl, and a glitzy blue and black tail.

Aquamarine was the smallest mermaid and looked around eight years old. She had pastel blue skin, light cerulean blue hair, navy blue eyes, and a gleaming cyan-blue and black tail. She also had a seaweed hair bow and a blue tank top with a flowing tulle hem.

Topaz was very beefy and about forty-two years old. She had yellow skin, light yellow hair, brown eyes, a gleaming yellow and black tail, and a mahogany and maroon top.

"I'm glad you five could meet with me tonight." the male sea witch said with a glint of evil in his eyes.

"Well, we have heard a great deal about you and your mother's nefarious machinations." Emerald replied. "It's just a shame that she's no longer with us."

Jasper scowled at the memory of how his mother, Malachite was taken away from him.

"Now, why have you summoned us all here?" Holly Blue Agate asked impatiently. "Because I hope that reestablishing the Black Scale Clan won't end up being a waste of our time."

"I can assure you that this will be well worth your while." the masculine sea witch promised. "Not only will we gain total domination over the world's oceans, but as a bonus; I will be able to reclaim the heart of a certain little princess."

He created a dark, cloudy bubble with his dark magic to show the evil mermaids a sleeping Princess Lapis Lazuli, the object of Jasper's obsession.

"No." Hessonite said in surprise. "We knew that Queen Hope was having a baby when we last attacked Iridesca, but we didn't think she'd actually have a living, breathing child."

"Lapis Lazuli is the only mermaid who is beautiful enough to meet my specific standards." the male sea witch explained. "She may have eluded from my grasp once, but I know a surefire way to get her back."

"And what does this have to do with us conquering the marine world?" Aquamarine questioned.

"We're going to attack the source of balance in the sea: the Oceanic Heart." Jasper answered schemingly. "With the marine waters and all it's creatures in strife, the royal mermaids will do anything if it means restoring the natural order, including stepping down from their thrones."

"You are so brilliant." Emerald complimented. "We were right to rope in that devious mind of yours into our group."

"Why, thank you for saying that." the sea witch replied.

"But what about Princess Lapis Lazuli?" Holly Blue Agate inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I have an absolute certainty the young princess will try to intervene with our plans." answered Jasper. "The moment she's out in the open and without her friends to hold her hands will be the moment we will descend upon her. And in addition to relinquishing their thrones to us, the royal sisters will marry off the child to me willingly to ensure her safety."

"So where is this Oceanic Heart?" Hessonite asked him.

"It's being guarded in a cave in the Coral Sea." he responded. "It's not being guarded by any mermaids, but don't be fooled. There are booby traps that go off if they detect even the smallest trace of external magic. It's seen as a threat whenever anyone attempts to enter the cave. The only part of it that doesn't have traps is at the end, where the heart is kept. That's when we strike."

"Then we mustn't dawdle." Aquamarine declared. "The sooner we put our plan into motion, the less time we'll have to wait for everything to fall into place." Topaz silently nodded in agreement.

So the sea witch and the five mermaids proceeded to the designated underwater cave, which was covered with bioluminescent coral. And as Jasper said, there were no mermaids guarding the mouth of the cave.

"Now remember, no magic until we reach the end of the tunnel." the masculine sea witch warned the Black Scale Clan. "We don't want to trigger any traps."

One by one, the six of them filed into the cave ever-so-cautionously, taking heed of the magical sensors that aligned the cave walls. The sensors were shaped like scallop shells and were reflective like mirrors. They were also illuminated by light-producing coral polyps so that they could be easily seen. It wouldn't take much to set off the alarm if the malevolent six were a hair's length from the sensors. After making many nerve-wracking, precise maneuvers, the six troublemakers finally reached the end of the tunnel.

And there it was, a rainbow-colored crystal cut into the shape of a heart that reverberated with a powerful aura.

"This is it." Jasper announced. "The Oceanic Heart."

The five sinister mermaids were awestruck by this enchanted relic. However, Aquamarine was the first to compose herself.

"So how are we going to go about this?" the youngest mermaid asked the masculine sea witch. "Should we just shatter this thing into a million pieces?"

Jasper smirked at the idea, liking the way the pint-sized mermaid thought.

"Our goal is not to shatter the heart." Hessonite proclaimed, much to Jasper's disappointment. "We are only to inflict minor damage, enough for the royal sisters to give in to our demand for dominance over the marine world. And then, we can just undo the afflictions later."

"Well you know the old saying: actions speak louder than words." Emerald remarked. "So let's get to it already."

Together, the five members of the Black Scale Clan (plus the male sea witch) unleashed their magic and struck the heart. This caused little fractures to form on the crystal's glossy surface. They all stopped quickly before they would be unintentionally cause the cracks to worsen.

No other mermaids knew it yet, but discord would soon break loose in many parts of the world's oceans.

"That should do it." Holly Blue Agate stated, turning to Jasper. "We'll gain our reign over all mermaids and you will get your princess."

"I must warn you." he said. "Princess Lapis Lazuli was especially hard to catch when my mother and I first began to pursue her."

"The traps that you and Malachite set around the Atlantic were nothing compared to what the Pacific Ocean has to offer." Emerald told the sea witch. "Let the princess try to put up a fight. Eventually, she will lose."

"Oh, I can afford the wait." Jasper assured the evil green mermaid. "I just find watching the princess struggle to be entertaining."

A sickening smile creaped across his face, knowing that having his princess back would be well worth the downtime.

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