Chapter 8: A Luxurious Trap

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After swimming for several miles and hours, Princess Lapis, Jamie; and the other mermaids were getting exhausted from exerting so much energy on the long trip. And not only that, but the sun was starting to go down. Everyone poked their heads out of the water and panted, getting some fresh air.

"Guys, it's starting to get late and we're all worn out from swimming so much." Smoky Quartz stated. "Maybe we ought to call it a night."

"I think Smoky might be right." Lapis said. "Let's find a nearby island to set up camp on."

"Well, we're in luck." Peridot told her. "There's an island just a few hundred feet to the northwest of us."

True to her words, the blue girl saw a tropical island not far away from her group.

"Hold on." Pearl said, halting everybody. "We shouldn't start camping on this island right away. We should probably make sure that isn't anything dangerous inhabiting it."

"You've got a point there." Amethyst commented.

"Then let's scope out this island." Ruby stated.

"We better keep the number of scouts to a minimum." Rhodonite brought up, darting her eyes about. "We wouldn't want to attract the attention of any dangerous inhabitants."

"Alright." Lapis announced. "I'll lead a group of four to investigate the island and we'll come back if we do or do not find anything to be wary of."

"Maybe I should go too." Jamie volunteered.

"No, Jamie; I need you to hang back with Dad and the rest of the group." the blue princess told him. "Like Rhodonite said: the less people scouting, the better. Stevonnie, Pearl, Sapphire, Peridot; you guys are with me. Jamie, if we're not back within an hour; come find us. Girls, it's time to go overland."

She used the magic in her birth locket to transform into a human girl. Pearl, Peridot, Sapphire, and Stevonnie used their magic stones to do the same. In a swirl of magic, the four of them had the legs of human beings and wore clothes that made them look like teenage girls. Walking on two legs took some adjusting, but they soon found their balance and were ready to go.

"We'll be careful." Lapis promised Jamie, as if reading his mind.

Her boyfriend nodded as the group of five walked off into the green unknown of the island. As the girls ventured deeper into the island's jungle, there was nothing dangerous or out of the ordinary as far as they could tell. However, something just didn't seem right.

"Hey, do you guys ever get the feeling we're being watched?" asked Peridot, feeling a little unsettled.

"I don't think so." Sapphire answered.

Just then, out of the blue; the sound of leaves rustling echoed through the trees. The five girls quivered as the rustling sounds grew closer and closer. And that was when a male human in a loincloth jumped out from the undergrowth and pointed a spear at Lapis and her friends. The girls screamed at what they thought was a hunter.

"You're female?" the man said in surprise. "Everyone come! There are females on the island!"

Pretty soon, other men with loincloths emerged from the bushes saying, "Greetings. Hello. Welcome."

"Guys, am I hallucinating or are we surrounded by some of the most gorgeous male humans on the face of the earth?" Stevonnie asked her friends, Lapis nodding silently in response. The men on the island were also amazed by the female visitors.

"These are some oddly-colored girls." one of the men remarked quietly.

"Who cares?" another whispered back. "They are beautiful."

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant