Chapter 10: All in Good Fun and Love

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Later that evening, all the transformed mermaids and humans had paired up to share a tent as everyone set up camp on another nearby island. Luckily, Rainbow Quartz confirmed that the island was uninhabited; assuring that everyone could sleep safely tonight. Once everybody had set up their tents, they all settled down for a good night's sleep.

Meanwhile, Lapis and Jamie (who were now in their pajamas) had pitched their tent on a very far side of the island. Inside, Lapis' fingers were fidgeting as her thoughts raced in her head. She looked anxiously at her boyfriend as he closed up the tent flaps, trying to muster up the courage to talk to him.

"So Jamie, I know I told you that I wanted you to be my groom when I get married, but I never asked for your opinion." the blue girl said. "Would you've wanted me to be your bride?"

"Of course I would want that." Jamie answered as he glanced at his backpack where he kept his special box hidden from the princess. "I mean if I could right now, I would propose to you right on the spot."

Lapis smiled, but then something unrelated profounded her curiosity and she asked, "Hey, why did you pitch our tent so far from everybody else's?"

Her boyfriend made one final check to see if the tent was all sealed up. And then, he glanced over at the young girl with a slightly devious look in his eyes and a cunning grin and said, "So that nobody can hear me do... THIS!!"

And then with no warning, the human boy pounced and tickled the unsuspecting girl's feet almost fiercely.

"Ahahahahahahahaha!" Lapis cried, bursting into laughter. "Jamie, thahahahahahahat tihihihihihihicklessss!"

"Awww, does somebody have ticklish tootsies?" Jamie cooed cheerily as he played with his girlfriend's toes. "Yes you do! Yes you do! Coochie coochie coo!"

"Stahahahahahahahap!" she guffawed. "Your fihihihihihihihingers are so tihihihihihihihihihickly!"

"Uh oh." the teenage boy said, mischievously. "The Tickle Bugs are crawling up your legs. Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!"

The poor princess felt helpless as the human's fingers danced across the skin of her legs like bugs scurrying illegibly. She laughed hysterically and squirmed as the ticklish sensations electrified her.

"Now they're all over your back!" announced Jamie as his tickly fingers scurried up and down her back. "Kitchie kitchie coo!"

Jahahahahahamie, I can't tahahahahahake it much mohohohohohore!" Lapis whooped trying to shake off her tickler, but to no avail.

"Don't deny that you enjoy this, little girl." her boyfriend teased, giving a snicker.

Just then, he stopped the tickling altogether and Lapis thought that it was all over; giving her time to catch her breath.

"Those fingers of yours are a menace." she panted.

"It's not over yet, princess." Jamie said. "I've saved the best spot for last."

"No." his girlfriend told him, realizing what part of her body he was talking about. "No, no, no, no, no, no! Don't even think about it."

But, there was no point avoiding the inevitable as the human boy's fingers titillated the smooth, soft skin of her belly.


"Are we having fun, my dear?" Jamie teased playfully, judging by the girl's volume in her laughter.

"JAMIE, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!" Lapis pleaded doubled over in tickles. "I'VE HAD ENOHOHOHOHOHOHOUGH!"

"Alright, I can take a hint." Jamie finally declared, removing himself from the young princess and giving her a bottle of water.

She took the time to catch her breath and sip the refreshing fresh water.

"What was that for?" she panted, tiredly.

"I just thought I'd help you loosen up before turning in." Jamie answered.

"Well, it worked." the blue girl told him. "Although, you didn't have to torture me to do that."

"Come on, I would never do that to you." her boyfriend promised her. "I'm more into protecting you than torturing you."

"I know." Lapis nodded before yawning.

"Come on now, bedtime; missy." Jamie instructed the sleepy girl, gesturing her to lie down with him.

The two lovers curled up together on the air mattress, but not before Lapis opened her birth locket and let it play it's calming lullaby. Her boyfriend drew the blanket over them and the young princess rested her head against his chest, listening to the sound of his soothing heartbeat. Jamie also started to rub his girlfriend's back while humming the words of the locket's tinkling melody. The more time that went on, the more the tingling sensation of sleepiness continued to wash over Lapis. It was getting harder and harder to keep her eyes open. Pretty soon, the young princess slipped into the comforting realm of sleep.

It didn't take too long for the blue girl to start dreaming. In her dream, Lapis was in her human form, wearing the cleanest white dress you had ever seen. It had a skirt that swirled around her waist with the wind. The top of the dress had lacey designs that were almost like doilies. A gossamer veil extended from a flowery headband that crowned her head. She was the bride that would've made fairy tale princesses jealous.

In front of Lapis were chairs set up along an aisle where her friends and families were seated. And right at the end of the aisle right under the wedding canopy, stood the reverend and the love of her life who was dressed in the nicest tuxedo.

The blue girl made her way down the aisle in time to the Bridal Chorus, gracing everyone she passed by with her glimmering beauty. Soon, she made it to Jamie and got lost gazing into his soft, kind eyes.

Once the Bridal Chorus ended, the wedding reverend cleared his throat and said; "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Jamie and Lapis Lazuli in bonds of holy matrimony."

The bride and groom took each other's hands and the reverend proceed to commence the wedding vows.

"Do you Jamie take Lapis Lazuli to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asked the groom.

"I do." Jamie answered, happily.

"And do you Lapis Lazuli take Jamie to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the reverend said, turning to the blue girl.

"I do." Lapis responded in her sleep as she snuggled deeper into her boyfriend's chest.

Jamie looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms and gave a small smile. He knew exactly what his girlfriend was dreaming about.

"Sweet dreams, my cute princess." he said as he planted a kiss on the princess's cheek before closing his eyes.

Meanwhile, Jasper and the six Black Scale Clan mermaids observed the sleeping lovebirds through the sea witch's spying bubble.

"Look at that menial human." Jasper grumbled. "That should be me cuddling my precious princess as she sleeps."

"Sheesh, we get it." Aquamarine said, feeling uncomfortable. "You're crazy about her. Can you try to keep your creepy, romantic thoughts to yourself?"

"Speaking of the princess, how do you expect us to capture Lapis at this time, Jasper?" asked Hessonite. "She's above water and being protected."

"I suggest that we don't waste good dark magic on kidnapping her until morning." Squaridot butted in, much to Jasper's disappointment.

"Fine." the sea witch sighed. "But if we can't ensnare the child now, let's at least have some fun tormenting her in her dreams."

With a turn of his wrist, a snake-like stream of dark magic  appeared and slithered to find its way to Lapis and absorbed itself into the blue girl's head. The malefactors continued to watch through the viewing bubble as the nightmarish fun was about to begin.

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