Chapter 12: The Idol of Wisdom

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The beams of the early morning sun shone through Lapis and Jamie's tent as a new day began. The human boy awoke right away, but the blue princess didn't even stir. She was still sound asleep and cuddling her boyfriend.

"Good morning, Lapis." Jamie said as he attempted to gently nudge the blue girl awake.

Lapis only chuckled in her sleep and mumbled, "Gimme another blankie," before she buried her face in the chotch of his shoulder and continued to doze.

A clever smirk spread across Jamie's face as he got an idea.

"Lapis, it's time to wake up." he said in a singsong tone as he began to pepper his girlfriend's face with light kisses.

The soft, warm lips of the human boy tickled the young princess's face. Almost immediately, she ended laughing herself awake.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." Jamie told the blue girl as her eyes fluttered opened.

"Morning, babe." Lapis yawned, stretching her arms out.

"I assume you had a good night's sleep, right?" her boyfriend asked.

"For the most part." the princess answered as she rubbed her eyes.

As everyone ate their breakfast and chatted amongst each other, Lapis stared down at her plate, lost in thought. Some of her friends noticed her spacey look and became a little concerned.

"Something on your mind, Lapis?" asked Pearl.

"I was just thinking." the blue princess responded. "Even if we manage to find the cave where the Oceanic Heart is kept, I still have no idea how we're going to repair the damage the Black Scale Clan brought to it. Remember, the Oceanic Heart has been around for eons. I don't think any ordinary mermaid's magic is strong enough to undo the cracks in it."

"Hey, let's go visit Obsidian." Lemon Jade suggested, her eyes lighting up. "Maybe she can help."

"Who's Obsidian?" Lapis questioned.

"Obsidian, the Idol of Wisdom." Rainbow Quartz said. "Mermaids from all over the Pacific Ocean go to her for information and insight."

"Ask her any question: past, present, or future." Iris added. "She'll always have the answer."

"Just like Garnet in the Atlantic Ocean." Ruby chimed in.

"Well then, let's go see this idol." the young princess declared, standing up confidently.

After wrapping up breakfast, transforming into mermaids, and giving Steven and Connie their magic bubbles; the group of mermaids and human kids swam to meet the fabled idol, guided by Rainbow Quartz. Pretty soon, the friends had come face to face with an extraordinary statue. The statue looked like a massive woman with eight arms just like a spider.

"There she is." Iris announced to the group. "Everyone, meet Obsidian."

"That's Obsidian?" Connie said as everyone stared at the statue in awe.

"Yes." Lemon Jade replied, turning to a blushing Lapis. "Okay, Lapis. She's ready for any questions you have."

"Go on, dear." Rainbow Quartz encouraged the meek princess. "Don't be shy."

"Hello, Obsidian." Lapis said softly, after clearing her throat. "I am-"

"Princess Lapis Lazuli of Iridesca from the Atlantic Ocean." a woman's voice bellowed from the idol.

"How do you know who I am?" the young princess asked, being taken aback.

"I have been around for millennia." Obsidian answered. "I know and have seen everything, even the events that are still to come. Now, you must be here because you seek knowledge on how to defeat the terrorists of the Oceanic Heart; have you not?"

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