Chapter 5: Dark Clouds on the Horizon

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Early the next day, Lapis was relaxing on the ocean bed, thinking about her friends gossiping about Jamie asking for her hand in marriage. At first, she didn't believe her friends' rumors. But the more she thought about it, the more she hoped it actually happen to her. Of course, she wanted the truth from her boyfriend in order to believe it. When Lapis realized how much she missed him, the princess silently wished that he was with her right now.

All of a sudden, a familiar figure into view from the distance. The blue princess beamed when she realized that her boyfriend was actually here. She swam towards him in a burst of speed and into Jamie's awaiting embrace.

"Jamie!" Lapis cried happily as the two lovers spun around in the water while still in each other's arms.

"How are things going?" the human boy asked.

"Well, my friends are telling me the craziest thing." the mermaid princess answered. "They said that you looking for an engagement ring to propose to me with. Isn't that ridiculous?"

"Oh yeah." Jamie replied, chuckling nervously and putting a hand over one of his pockets. "That is silly."

"Yeah, I'm sure they were just kidding around." the blue girl said. "Although, it would be amazing if you did have an engagement ring with you right now."

"Maybe I might." her boyfriend smiled with a mildly sly look in his eyes, which turned nervous again immediately. "Unless you still think it's too soon for you."

The young princess was about to respond, but then out of nowhere, she got a terrible headache. She held her head with one of her hands and moaned a little in pain.

"What's wrong?" asked Jamie with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." Lapis responded. "It's just a headache, you know; the throbbing kind."

But then, the throbbing started to get worse. It was almost as if there was literally a storm brewing in her brain.

"Maybe we should get you to your mom." the princess's boyfriend recommended as accompanied her side and helped her swim to the castle.

Once Lapis and Jamie were back at the royal palace, Queen Hope and Princess Pink Diamond rushed their child to her bed immediately. They also summoned one of the healer mermaids, Rose Quartz to use her pain relieving magic to relax the princess.

"You felt that, didn't you?" Queen Hope said to her daughter once she was in less pain.

"What? I don't understand." the blue girl said softly. "It was just a headache."

"I'm afraid that wasn't a normal light-headed feeling." the mermaid queen replied solemnly with a sigh. "There's been a terrible disturbance in the harmony of the ocean."

"Disturbance?" Jamie echoed.

"There's been an attack on the Oceanic Heart, the source of all stability in the marine world." Princess Pink Diamond explained. "The more harm that befalls it, the more disharmony will spring up in the ocean."

"Migratory animals will get confused." her sister simplified. "Intense storms will brew throughout the waters. Algae will bloom uncontrollably. And that's just to name a few problems."

"But why would anyone want to harm the ocean like that?" the younger princess asked in dismay.

"Well as I said before, some mermaids cause chaos in the sea because they don't understand the fragile harmony of the ocean." her mom disclosed.

"But, what's attacking the Oceanic Heart?" Jamie questioned, hoping it wasn't an awkward time to ask.

"Oh no." Queen Hope whispered to her younger sister. "We can't let Lapis know that they are back."

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansWhere stories live. Discover now