Chapter 18: The Puzzle of the Trident

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The following morning, the entourage of Princess Lapis had finally arrived at the place that held the one thing that could save the ocean.

"Here we are, the Manta Ruins." Lemon Jade declared.

"We made it at last." Pearl said.

"All we have to do is get the Tsunami Trident and then it's off to Opalescensia." Iris stated.

"Help!" some faint voices cried out. "Let us out!"

"Did you guys hear that?" Lapis asked, listening carefully.

"Barely." Amethyst answered.

"I think it's coming from over there." the young princess said, pointing at a locked cage near the ruins' entrance.

It was reminiscent to a cage that housed a canary. But, it was completely empty.

"I don't see anyone in there." Stevonnie conveyed, peering into the cage. "Maybe somebody's playing a trick on us."

"But I swore I heard voices." Lapis said. "I mean, who would lock an empty cage?"

Everyone stood back as the blue mermaid grabbed the padlock with one hand and focused her magic while listening to the lock's tumblers turn. And then, the padlock dropped to the sea floor.

"Did you just make that lock unlock itself?" asked Smoky Quartz.

"Awesome." Steven commented.

"But, who exactly did we save?" Peridot asked. "There was nobody in the cage."

Just then out of the blue, Lapis started laughing like something was brushing against her skin.

"What's so funny?" Jamie inquired.

"Something is tickling me." the blue girl giggled.

"Not something." a tiny voice corrected her. "Someone."

"Who said that?" said Rhodonite, quivering like she had just seen a ghost.

All of a sudden, a group of seven mini mermaid creatures appeared before everyone's eyes. They had a gray complexion, black eyes, and hair that reminded Lapis of the fins of beta fish. They also each wore their own signature color so that they could be told apart.

"You were the ones in the cage calling for help." Lapis gasped. "You were just invisible the whole time."

"Our invisibility is our first line of defense." a mini mermaid in green told her. "We only reveal ourselves when we want to be seen."

"But who are you?" Connie inquired.

"We are the Nymphs." another mini mermaid in pink explained. "The guardians of the Manta Ruins."

"But if you're supposed to be guarding this place, why were you all in a cage?" Lapis questioned.

"A long time ago, someone came to steal the Tsunami Trident for evil intentions." a nymph wearing red responded. "We were able to stop them, but they were so angry; they trapped us that cage. And we've been in there ever since, that is until you rescued us."

"And for that, we are eternally grateful." a nymph wearing turquoise added.

Then, all the nymphs swarmed the mermaid princess to give her thank you kisses. They were soft and tickly like an eyelash and Lapis couldn't hold back her giggles.

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay." she laughed. "You're welcome."

"Sorry, it's just that we are so indebted to you." the green nymph said. "And seeing as you helped us, it's only fair that we return the favor."

Lapis Lazuli: the Lost Mermaid 2 Save the OceansWhere stories live. Discover now