Chapter Twenty Six

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Hello! I'm sorry if this chapter is boring, I found it dull to write, it's really just a filler. I intend the next couple of chapters to be more interesting, so hopefully that will make up for it! 

Also, if you like The Midnight Beast (and even if you don't haha:P) please go and check out @XxChloeBreathexX 's fanfiction. She's a s lovely friend of mine and her story is great (I love it), so it would be really appreciated!

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the chapter, even if it's slightly boring:( xxx



“Oh my god, Charlie, it’s so big!” I yelped, towing my suitcase along behind me while me and Charlie made our way through the station.

“Yeah, I know. It’s bigger than even I remember.” Charlie muttered in a tone that made me glance at him anxiously. It was on a rare occasion that something ruffled Charlie’s feathers.

“You have the keys to the flat, yes?” I checked, turning away from him as I fought my way through the crowds at St. Pancras Train Station.

“Uh – huh.” Charlie muttered distractedly. Eventually we found the taxi queue and Charlie began stuffing things in the boot before helping me up into it. He reeled off the address of our new flat and then settled down next to me.

I stared out the window. Nerves and sickness building up inside me. I had just turned 16 years old and was living without my parents in London.

“You okay?” Charlie span his head around so his large blue eyes were examining mine.

“I don’t know, really.” I answered truthfully “I’m excited to be here. But it’s so scary. I have no money, but am somehow expected to pay for a studio and a flat.”

“You’ll get there.” Charlie whispered. He knew me well; he knew my problems and worries. But not even my best friend could comfort me. Nothing could until I started making myself a living. And only God knows when that will be.

The taxi came to a stop and Charlie paid the man, making me feel guilty again, before it drove off, leaving us standing with our entire luggage on the pavement in front of our new flat. I felt very small and insignificant. We exchanged worried glances before I stumbled down the stairs and took the keys from Charlie while he wobbled after me with all our bags. I let us in and stopped immediately. It was small and clean and white. I couldn’t really ask for anything more. But it was also completely empty.

“My mum and sister are driving down from Chester tomorrow to help us sort ourselves out.” Charlie muttered. He had dropped our bags and was stood next to me in the middle of the hall staring around.

“That’ll be nice to see Briony again.” I nodded. I wasn’t ready for this, I felt like being sick, I was so out of my depth. “How is she?”

Charlie appeared in a similar predicament. “Oh, she’s good. As good as any excitable 13 year old can be, anyway.” He bit his lip. It struck me how normal her life was compared to my own. It made me shudder. “There’s no food here.” He continued abruptly “I’ll go find a shop and get some dinner.” And with that he shuffled out.

I stared around, feeling more alone than ever, before grabbing my bag and pulling out a sleeping bag. I settled myself on the hard wood floor by the window. I let my eyes flutter closed as I tried to block out the unfamiliar sound of cars outside and imagine that I was at home, curled up in the sand, hearing the splash of waves moving over the sand.

“I’m cold.” I whispered. But no one replied because no one was there.

***End of Flashback***

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