chapter 7

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Jin could not take his eyes from you. 

Lust turned to fire when he saw some strange man come up behind you.

He was tall and handsome, well built , as fair as Jin was dark. Apparently he was on very friendly terms with you. 

Jin watched as the man reached and put his hands on your waist.  His body coiled to fight.  He clenched his fists remembering the last time he watched a man reach for you on a dance floor.  Then he clenched his jaw at the memories of taking you home and taking you to bed to claim you as his. He still dreamed about that night.

He moved toward the curtain, intent on punching the bastard out.

A hand grabbed his and stopped him.
“What are you doing?  You can’t go out there" Jin looked into the face of the man who was the guilty party last time.  He looked to see what Jin was looking at and saw you.

Hand still on Jin's arm he told him" You can't.  She's not yours anymore”

“Fuck you!” Jin shouted and pulled away from the young man.   They stood long minutes staring at each other.

  Jin knew his brother was right but he still felt the primal urge to fight, to hit someone, something.  Hell! He would throw his head back and howl if it would relieve this crushing pain in his chest.   The boy just stepped away. He understood. All of them had left something or someone behind to stand here tonight.

They both bowed their heads and took deep breaths as the 5 minute call was given. Time to shut it down and perform.

You stood rooted on the spot as the music played and the group performed.  You watched Jin the entire time.  It crushed you to see his supple body rolling with the beat of the music, his facial expressions, the way he caught your eye every time he turned.  You had to get out of here.

At the end of the song the crowd rushed to the stage, freeing a exit for you.  You grabbed your things and headed for the door.  You missed Jin pushing backstage, doing the same.

You were one of the first to leave so the attendant easily stopped a cab for you.  You held your breath until the car pulled away.  Feeling you had made your escape, you were surprised as a tear dropped on your hand. 

Dashing your tears away you looked out the window, struggling to process what had happened tonight. 

You saw Jin running from the side door, trying to catch you, waving for you to stop.  You leaned back into the seat like you did not see him. You gave a prayer of thanks that this was the weekend and you could lock yourself in and hide away until Monday morning. You allowed yourself to cry all the way home.

Jin was still struggling to breathe from the performance.  He ripped off his mic  pack as he ran, shoving it in the hands of the back stage staff.  Weaving through the crowd he finally found the main exit. 

He bound thru the doors just in time to see a golden skirt fold into a black sedan.  Jin frantically chased after the car to try to stop it, to talk to you.  The car pulled off, ignoring Jin’s efforts.  As it passed Jin could see your face.  He could clearly see that you were crying and there was no mistaking the fact that you pretended not to see him.

Exhausted, he bent to rest his hands on his knees until he could breathe again.  In that moment his head decided what his heart had known for one year and one month.  He would stop at nothing to see you again.

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