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The laugh within thine eyes, the tears within thine ears. Show me the joy within thine mind, but not forevermore the ghost within thine face. Always your heart in tiny pieces still. Tiny fingers that fiddle make me wonder. Will you be no more than this? A reflection in the mirror of the world, a forgetful memory, a forgetful voice. -And if I took you into your misshapen shadows of such with fearful thought you know not will follow you in your short stay, would you began to fade? Would thine eyes twinkle in the dust of a lost love? A lost story, A lost life... You want all to honey for the sound, the actual taste worthy of dirt. The sweetness, but a dream from the hurt. My nectar flows from a heart that beats with thine just so. I know thine tongue, but I also know thine heart. You proved it possible to cower in strength. I? I've proven a 'new' love. Yet, I am unreachable, one day when your last rose touches the lips of your happiness, you'll reach me. You deserve nothing at all, the something you want is buried so deep, you will keep falling apart all together. Forevermore the birth of thine love.

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