Ill Trade For a Pen

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As I stand before the flame, my fingers itch to be charred.
I blow back the aruma of the heat, as an instant flicker reflects across my dark eyes.
I breath it all in. The colors collide into my chest, and... "Click."
The sound of shattering glass is what brought me back, as the chains break, spilling ice.
I am lying.
I don't dream like that.
-But if I did... if my chains were cut, if he "saved" me... I would scream.
All of the pain would leave me in one breath.
All of the colors would blow back out of me, leaving me.
I would fall to my knees in spilled ice, knowing,
-hoping he'd hold me in that cold darkness.
-Because if it wasn't a dream, I couldn't do such a thing.
I don't dream like that.
I wish I could.
I wish that my subconscious, god, for any reason...
allowed me to dream like that.
That I could feel that control factor.
That I might release what I can not during certain waking days.
I don't dream like that.
I don't dream that sort of fantasy.
This poem in it's self is just a fantasy for a dream I won't have.
In the end, I guess I don't need that dream.
When my pen turns fears into beautiful, unknown, works of release...
This dream becomes nothing.

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