Chapter 7

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It took me a while to move past my father's betrayal. But it was done and there was

nothing that I could do about it. What hurt me the most was that he didn't just send that

letter to Sean but he mailed copies of it to everyone is Sean's family. How was I supposed

to look anyone in the face after that. After that, everyone in Sean's family rallied around

me making me feel better. They didn't allow the contents of that letter to change the way

they felt about me. That was such a huge sigh of relief.

They said that they knew the kind of person I am and nothing anybody says is going to

change that. That was a big relief. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. But the

hurt was still there. I had to deal with it though, and move on. I probably will never be

able to recover from this but it's not fair to everyone else. I have so much on my plate

right now that I don't know what to concentrate on. My mind is in a turmoil.

I just needed to sit down and get all my bearings together. I feel like I made a bad

decision. I know that I love Sean but this is not what I had in mind. I know that

relationships are not always a bed of roses and everyone has problems but this is like too

much too soon. I feel like we already started drifting away from each other. I'm only 24, I

should be out there living my life. Not worrying about debt, when I am so fussy about

things like that. I didn't come into this relationship with debt of my own. And now, is this

the life of a 24 year old. All this responsibility. What am I supposed to do?

I feel like I just rushed into things. I had a fight with my parents, like so many times

before. But this time I just left. I thought a life with Sean would be better. But It seems

like I jumped straight into the fire. I'm not sure what a serious relationship is supposed to

be like but I was sure this was not what it was supposed be like. Well, I made this

decision, now I have to stick to it. Not like I've got anywhere else to go to. I need to make

this work. Sean does have a lot of wonderful qualities. So, I need to focus on all those

good qualities and not the bad ones. That has to be the best way forward.

After that, I put my all into making things work. Darius was doing great in school, by his

own merit. He was actually enjoying school. I started feeling really close to Darius. It felt

like he was the only person who understood me. It felt really strange because he was just

a child. But sometimes I just needed someone to listen. And as much as he liked to talk,

he was a really good listener as well. This child really was an old soul. We started spending

more and more time together. Maybe I just never had a childhood and that's why we

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