Chapter 11

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The next few days went by in a breeze. It was just a few days till the New year. We just

lazed around most days, it was too hot to do anything. My bruises healed. Not like they

were external, You could hardly notice anything. Just the pain on the inside was bad. I

kept quiet because in all honesty, I didn't want to expose Darius to this. And I also didn't

know what else to do.

New Years eve rolled by, and I cleaned up and decided on the menu for the next day. But

his mother had other ideas so I let it slide and she decided on the menu. It was a very lazy

day. It was really quiet, no one really makes plans on New Years eve I guess. It would

have been nice to have plans but I guess our lack of finances prevented that. Although,

Sean always seemed to have money to drink. He started at lunchtime on New Years Eve.

We haven't had any arguments or disagreements since Christmas day. I had to force

myself to be nice to his mother because I knew what would happen if I didn't. It was

difficult but the last thing I wanted was to get battered again. We didn't speak about that

incident, everything just got swept under the carpet and life carried on as before. I am

generally a very vocal person and especially when it comes to something that's upsetting

me. But in this instance, I had to keep quiet. It was the holidays and I didn't want any

unnecessary problems.

I was seething on the inside. He was just drinking and drinking and I knew that he knew

that I wont say anything. Darius kept me busy though. We played board games and

managed to keep ourselves entertained for most of the day.

Around lunch time, I went to have a smoke. Sean was quite drunk by then and he was

becoming really annoying. What I hated most about his drinking was the incessant

talking. I mean, I talk a lot. And its all good and well to have meaningful conversations but

all that came out of his mouth was utter rubbish. He didn't make sense at all and the

worst part is that he insisted we listen to him. And the repetition was driving me up the

wall. It seemed like he had no idea what he was doing, but he seemed to be coherent

when it suited it. I was starting to get this terrible headache. And the house smelt like a

freaken shebeen. I just couldn't stand it. I managed to get away for a smoke after he went

to the kitchen to pour another drink. I just took my first drag and I heard his footsteps.

Just when I thought I had escaped him. Oh, well. Maybe if I kept my responses to a

minimum, he might get bored and go talk to someone else like his mother. He came in

and lit a cigarette. And the talking started. My mind was elsewhere, I had no intention of

listening to his mumbo jumbo. He won't even notice anyway. He just talks for the sake of

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