Chapter 15

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After that, I went about reclaiming my home. Making it ours. I started clearing it out in a frenzy. There was so much clutter and I hated it. It was slowly becoming a home that I was proud off. I got rid of all the floral, I hate floral. I prefer nice clean neutral tones. I started feeling normal again, if that even made sense. It felt like the weight had lifted off my shoulders. The air was lighter and we were a normal family. Don't get me wrong, I felt some sadness that Sean's mother had to leave that way but we all felt that it was for the best.

Personally for me, the highlight was that I was now able to be a proper wife and mother. For the first time, I felt free in my home. In the beginning it was a bit daunting, I had to start taking care of everything but I lapped it up. I enjoyed waking up early, making lunches and breakfasts and being a proper wife and mother. It was as though I was born to do this. I started cooking everyday and I loved it so much. This was my true calling.

Ever since I can remember, the only thing I ever wanted was a family of my own. And now, I had it. I spent hours just thinking about what to cook or bake next. I loved spoiling my boys and the best part was that they loved eating. And as long as they loved my food, I wasn't going to stop. I loved the hustle and bustle of it all. Coming home from work, rushing and cooking. Ironing for the next day, making sure Darius had done his homework. Darius and I spent our most fondest memories in the kitchen. This was where I got to know this small man that I was raising. I mean, really got to know him.

As I cooked, he would stand in the kitchen and keep me company. Telling me about his day at school. Sometimes, he wouldn't even stop for a breath and I remember telling him more than once that he needed to keep quiet. This little man who had such a zest for life.

My family was falling into place. As soon as Sean got home from work, I would sit with him in the ensuite, while he used the toilet. Weird, yes I know. We would both have a cigarette while we exchanged stories about our day. There after, we would have supper and I would clean up the kitchen and neaten up the house whilst Sean had a shower. I would then make two cups of tea, one for me and one for Darius. I would shower, get into my pj's, have my tea and go to tuck Darius in. It always ended up with me cuddling with him till he fell asleep as he still wasn't used to sleeping on his own.

I would then creep away to my room and cuddle with Sean, my head on his chest until we both fell asleep. I wake up quite early and after brushing my teeth, I make my way to the kitchen to get started on my day. First things first, my morning cup of coffee.. which normally gets really warm before I realise that I need to have it. I get so caught up in making the lunches. Its normally sandwiches for Darius that I try to make exciting. And hes such a fussy eater but I'm not complaining. Sean normally takes last nights leftovers. But I also make him a toasted sandwich for his breakfast at work.

That done, its time to wake Sean up for work. I walk into the room and he's in such a deep sleep, looking all handsome, that I don't even want to disturb him but I have to. I plant a kiss on his forehead and he murmurs. I place another kiss on his forehead and he pulls me under the covers. We snuggle for a bit and then reality hits. We need to get a move on. I have just a few minutes to join him for a smoke. Sitting in the bathroom, I look at him and can't believe the change in him. The last few weeks have been so different. This is the sweet loving man that I fell in love with. I am brought back to reality when Sean asks me what I'm daydreaming about. I respond with a quick nothing and get up to go back to the kitchen. I make a pit stop in the bedroom, and make the bed. I rush off to the kitchen to make Sean's coffee and a slice of toast. As I walk into the bedroom with Sean's breakfast, he's coming out of the shower. Hows that for perfect timimg?

I sit down and set my hair and start with my makeup. All the while Sean is getting dressed for work.. and having his breakfast in between. With that done, its time to sort out my other man. Taking Seans breakfast dishes with me, I make my way towards the kitchen. Leaving it in the sink, its time to wake my small man up. I creep into his room and climb under the covers. I wrap my arms around him and give a tight hug.

"Wakey, wakey... time to wake up now."

"Please hold me for a few minutes longer."

I hold on to this cute and cuddly human. All warm and cozy under the covers. After a while, its time to go. As he gets out of bed, the first question out of his mouth is

"Whats for breakfast?"

"What would you like?"

"Peanut butter on Toast?"

"Okay, done. Go now, or you will be late."

"Yes mam."

And with that he walked in slow motion out of his room. I went to the kitchen and popped his bread into the toaster. Came back into his room and made his bed. Just as Darius was done in the shower, his breakfast was ready. I washed the dirty dishes, packed Seans lunch bag and made my way to the bedroom to get ready for my day at work.

I spent the whole day looking forward to going home. It was the best time of my day. I can't explain the joy I felt. My life was complete. There was a calmness in our home now and I loved experimenting in the kitchen. 

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