Chapter 9

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Maybe my mind said that its okay but my heart said something else. All I've ever wanted

was my own family and it probably stemmed from having that little bit of emptiness in

my heart. I just didn't know it at the time.

I sat in that ensuite and made a pact with myself. I was going to make this work, even if

it's the last thing I do. Between Sean and I, there's a lot of pressure. We need to stand by

each other and have each other's back. That's what a relationship is all about. Taking care

of each other and even though sometimes it seems as though it's never going to work, we

need to be strong and fight for our love.

Things got really difficult. Our home was empty. Sean had told his ex-wife that she could

have anything she wanted just as long as Darius could live with him. And she was fine

with that arrangement, as long as she got half of everything. She came and took what she

wanted. I was at work that day, so I had no idea what she had taken. When I got home, I

was gobsmacked. I was fine that she took half of everything but what kind of a mother

takes the only television in the house leaving behind a 6 year old child.

Anyway, we managed to save up some money and buy Darius a Television set for his

room. Everything else was material. What mattered most was that we had each other.

For some reason, I started to feel really blessed. Don't ask me why but it seemed like we

were making it just fine. Even though I was scraping money together, we always had food

and we were content with life. Darius was amazing. I have never met a 7 year old who was

so understanding. I mean, we had food and all of the basic necessities but I felt bad that

we couldn't afford any luxuries. I felt bad that we haven't eaten chocolate or chips in

ages. But Darius was adamant that it was okay. He said that he understood that things

were tough. His maturity brought me to tears sometimes. I realised that if he could be so

mature about things, then I need to step up my game and be mature about our situation too.

It was almost time for our first Christmas and I was so glad that I managed to buy one gift

every month. It was all small gift but at least it will be a cheerful Christmas. I remember

our christmas' growing up. Even though we aren't Christian, my mum always went out of

her way to make Christmas special. I remember putting up the Christmas tree with my

brother and waking up on Christmas morning to the sound of music from the kitchen and

all the heavenly smells of my father cooking.

Our Christmas gifts were always surprises and we always looked forward to a lovely

Christmas lunch followed by the opening of presents. There was always something

different in the air on Christmas morning. A sense of warmth and family. It was kind of

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