Chapter 10

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We managed to complete our Christmas shopping way in advance and I was so excited. It

gave me something else to concentrate on besides our problems. The days flew by and

before we knew it, our company had closed for the holidays. I spent the first few days

spring cleaning our home. I was exhausted but it was a good feeling. A sense of


I spent the 23rd prepping for our Christmas lunch. I woke up early on Christmas eve. And

cleaned our home from top to bottom. Sean's Mother insisted on doing the turkey, cause

apparently she does it the best, so I left her to it. I wasn't going to argue. This was going to

be a long day. She had this knack of turning the kitchen into a war zone whenever she

cooks. I just had to hold my breath and allow her to do her thing.

Then she really started to get on my nerves. She wanted to do all the cooking. This was my

thing. I planned this day so carefully and it's not like I can't cook. I have been doing

Christmas lunch at home for as long as I can remember. I even had all my recipes together.

I then just took a deep breath and let her get on it. I wasn't going to let this get to me. I

wasn't even going to bring it up with Sean. Christmas is a festive time after all. And the

last thing I want is a fight with Sean on Christmas. I was seething with rage on the inside

though. I couldn't understand why we couldn't do it together. Why does she have to

control everything, especially everything in the kitchen. I decided on the menu and I

bought everything for Christmas. Now, she wants to do all the cooking, what a slap in the


It was increasingly difficult to not get upset. But I had to control myself. It took a lot of

breathing and self-motivation but I eventually let go of the whole situation. I wasn't going

to let anything spoil this day. So much planning went into Christmas and I will make sure

that everyone has a wonderful day.

At long last the day arrived. I would have roasted the turkey the day before but she said

that she will be able to do it all on Christmas morning. Who was I to argue. I woke up to

Darius jumping on the bed wishing me a merry Christmas. He was so excited because he

saw all the presents under the tree. I had put all the presents under the tree after

everyone had gone to bed. Darius didn't ask for anything for Christmas, But I had gotten

him a few things that I'm sure he would like. He loved character linen and he had this

weird obsession with WWE wrestling. So I had gotten him a WWE fleece throw, WWE

bedding, Some WWE facecloths, and a WWE hooded swimming towel. He was the kind of

child that didn't play with toys, shocking I know. I was surprised when I learnt that Darius

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