Chapter 14

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After Darius's birthday, I sat him down and explained what it meant to be ten years old. Now that he was older, this meant learning responsibility. From now on, he was going to start doing simple chores around the house. I was going to teach him to make his bed, wipe dishes and pack them away. I was also going to teach him simple kitchen chores so that he will be able to take care of himself.

From now on, he will also have to do all his homework by himself. He was okay with the part about the chores. But he wasn't too happy about doing his homework by himself. I remember him sitting at the diningroom table and crying his eyes out saying that he can't do it by himself. That was the first time I had to practice tough love. I explained to him that we can not do his homework for him. He needs to do well on his own merit and not our merit. We will help him out only when he doesn't understand something.

Eventually he got the hang of it and I was so proud of him. He started helping out around the house and he felt a sense of accomplishment. Everything was running smoothly, Darius was becoming a young independent man. He was able to do things for himself. He could make simple things like sandwiches for his lunch and a cup of tea to go with it. He also cleaned up after himself by washing his own dishes and packing them away.

One Saturday morning, I woke up early and made breakfast. We usually had a full English breakfast on a Saturday especially if we were all at home. I had just set the table and Sean's mother went to hang up the clothes outside. I told her that I will hang it up on the line outside as it was a nice warm day. She insisted on doing it so I left her to it. Darius then called me and told me that he needed to tell me something.

He told me that the previous night his granny had told him that he must go and live with Sean's sister as I am abusing him. What the fuck??? Abusing him??? You have no idea how much my pressure rose. I was livid. I walked back to the diningroom trying to control myself. Sean was already sitting down having his breakfast. His mother was in the courtyard hanging up the clothes on the rack. I went to the door and asked her why she was hanging the clothes on the rack when I told her that I will hang it outside. She just flipped, telling me that I need to stop being so moody early in the morning. I in turn retaliated by telling her that maybe if she didn't tell Darius that I was abusing him, I would be in a better mood.

Sean heard us arguing, and with that he pushed his breakfast plate across the table and stood up. He looked at me, eyes full of anger. He swore at no one in particular and stomped off to the bedroom.

His mother and I were still at it. Next minute, I heard Sean scream for me from the bedroom. Fuck, I knew there were going to be problems now.

I didn't even get a chance to enter the bedroom properly and Sean was already screaming.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"what do you mean?"

"why the fuck do you have to start your shit so early in the morning?"

"Shit? You call this shit?" I screamed

"Yes it is!!! I'm sick and tired of you picking on my mother!"

"For fucks sake, Sean! I am not picking on her. When are you going to catch a wake up?"

"I did catch a wake up. You hate my mother and that's all there is to it."

" My god, are you just stupid or something? Your mother is wrong here, why the hell can't you see it for what it is. I know she's your mother but when are you going take the blinkers off? She told Darius that I am abusing him because I am giving him chores. Is that abuse, Sean?"

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