World Stop...Carry On😫

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I wake up in a hospital bed hooked up to a IV and I look for my mom..
" ma'am ma'am.. everything is okay just relax.. you were dehydrated and passed out.." the nurse says as she grabs me.. and walks me back to the bed
"Where's my mom and my boyfriend?" I ask as she tells me to keep relaxing
"I can't relax! Tell me"
"He is fine the bullet missed his heart and he lost a lot of blood but he is perfectly fine..can you please lean back so we can get a ultrasound of the baby please." I lean back and just relax and wonder is he okay? I need to see him.. I get up quick while the nurse is trying to put the gel on my belly.. I tell her I need to see him and she finally let me go.. like damn.. my baby is fine so am I.. I go to the desk and ask where Ty's room was.. the guy at the desk told me he was in the room with visitors.. it was plural so I'm confused..I walked to the room and see like 10 people in the damn room
"What the fuck going on?" I see my mom, Auntie Jamie,Layla, and Teshia.. plus three cops trying to question Ty and he isn't up for it I can tell by the way he trying to talk and he can't barely move. Everybody talking at once and I scream
"Whoooo you yelling at Nova Kehlani Smith!" My mom yells.. I feel faint again.. before I could say anything..
"Mom...I feel..-" I fall down
I'm in a dream where everybody just crying over me and I'm so confused...I finally wake up in a hospital gown and roll over and touch my belly.. I know the baby isn't big enough to kick but I always feel little taps.. I felt it and laugh. The doctor comes in..
"Nova you have a disorder.. where under extreme stress you may past out or maybe even faint where you don't wake up.. for a long period of time"
Damn I done stressed myself the fuck out I need to chill..
"What can help me doc?" I ask while I rub my belly and think of everything to do just to make my sure baby comes out healthy.
"Bedrest.. for a least a month just make sure your blood pressure slows down..which means your out of school for a month.."
"Come on doc I can't stay out school for that long"
"You stressed out.. you almost lost your baby tonight Nova"
Those words right there caught me.. losing my child.. I don't know what I would do..
"Okay fine.. but you have to let me and Ty stay in the same room because I wanna be here.." the doctor nods and my mom standing in the corner waiting for the doctor to leave the room..
"Girl you need to slow down.. you almost lost the baby and I don't wanna see you like how you were the last 3 weeks when the situation went down.."
She hugs me and I have a flashback when my dad beat me with a iron and my mom protected me during the last few blows..
"Momma.. I knew who it was who exposed me.."
"Okay tel-" my mom was cut off by the doctor saying we can go back to Ty's room..they make me go in a wheelchair just because of the fact my body feel weak... and I don't even care I just wanna see Ty by his self.. I get to his room and I stand up out the wheelchair
"Nova ge-"
"Let her get up I promise she won't get up after this" I look at my mom as she said that and I open the door.. Teshia and Layla still in there.
"Can y'all wait outside I gotta talk to Ty" I tell them both and Teshia winks.. cause she know what's gonna happen when I'm done talking to Ty.. they both walk out and so do my mom. Ty smiles as he sees me.
"Come here" his voice breaks while he talks
He all bandaged up .. I don't even wanna touch him he too fragile..and I crawl in the bed and lay next to him gentle
"Don't tell me your soft ass been crying over me" I laugh he know good and well this ain't the time for him to be laughing and shit..
"You okay?"I ask him He looks at me and licks his dry ass lips.
"You know I'm good.. I saw what happened man when the police been in here.. I should be asking you.. you and the baby okay?"
"I'm okay.. I have to be on bedrest for a month no school because if I'm too stressed I pass out.."
"Yeah you need to stay home and be careful you carrying my baby girl.." I kiss him.. he always tryna make a bad situation a good one.. that's one thing I love about him..
"But baby imma be back I gotta talk to Teshia.. it's important"
"You better not do nothing stupid.. I love you man.. fr.."
I smile at him.. he don't know what about to happen but it isn't gonna be good.. I can feel it in my gut.. Layla fucked with the wrong bitch.

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