Chapter 8: Imprisoned pt 1

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Sokka's out getting dinner as Aang, Katara and I all wait in a clearing in the forest. Katara is folding one of our blankets just as Sokka gets back. 

Aang excitedly jumps off the tree he was lounging on. "Great your back! Whats for dinner?"

Sokka digs through the bag for a bit before showing us. "We've got a few options. First, round nuts, and some kind of oval shaped nuts, and some rock shaped nuts that might just be rocks. Dig in!"

Aang and I look at each other before Katara says anything. "Seriously... what else you got?"

Mom picks up the "rock shaped nut that might just be a rock" and tries to crack it open by hitting it against a big rock. 

A loud sound rings out. "What was that?" Sokka asks, voice terrified.

"Its coming from over there!" Aang points in a direction and we start to run towards it.

"Guys shouldn't we go away from huge booms? Not towards them?" Sokka asks before running after us.

As we all peek over a large fallen tree, we spot a guy. He bends a large rock around him before bending it into a wall.

"Its an earth bender!" I gasp.

Aang looks at me. "Lets go meet him!"

"He looks dangerous so we better approach cautiously." My brother says.

I snort. "What do you know about being cautious?" I tease.

"Hello there! I'm Katara! What's your name?" Katara yells out.

The guy gasps, drops the rock he was currently bending and runs away, bending a rock wall so that then we can't follow him.

"Nice to meet you!" Aang yells.

"I just wanted to say hi..." Katara says, disappointed.

"Hey that guy has to be running somewhere. Maybe there's a village!" Aang points out.

"And that means no nuts for dinner!" I cheer.

"Hey! I worked hard for those nuts!" Momo makes a noise as he flies above Sokka. "Eh, I hate them too."


The village is nice, some kids had come up and asked if I wanted to play with them. I politely declined, as I knew Katara would get impatient.

Katara noticed the guy from before go into a shop and followed. I lagged behind a little with the guys, so we didn't get to hear the full conversation.

"-You must have me confused with someone else."

"No she doesn't. You're the kid that was earth bending in the forest. Unless you have a twin, we don't have you confused." I answer quickly.

His mother swiftly shut the door and window. "They saw you doing what?"

"They're crazy mom! I mean, looked at how they're dressed!" We all look down at our clothes. Whats wrong with them?

"You know how dangerous that is! You know what would happen if they caught you earth bending!" His mother scolds.

"Open up!" A heavy pounding rang from the door.

"Fire nation! Act natural!" Sokka tells us. I take the pose of inspecting Katara as she stuffs her face.

"What do you want? I already paid you this week." 

"The tax just doubled. And we wouldn't want an accident, would we?" The man fire bends a ball of fire in between his two hands. "Fire... is sometimes so hard to control."

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