Chapter 9: Winter Solstice; Avatar Roku

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I was originally gonna make this two parts, but it feels more cohesive as one so get ready for a longish chapter :D

3rd person POV

It is a dark night in the village, the kind of night where you expect everyone to be asleep. No lights were on, but despite that Aang was still awake.

"Lets go Appa! Come on boy, ughhh." Aang whispered, pulling on Appa's reigns. "Look I'm sorry but (Y/N), Sokka and Katara aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, I'd never forgive myself." Aang looks to the side. "So get your big butt off the ground and lets go!" Aang yells. He pulls once more on Appa's reigns, but falls back on his butt with a thud. Looking behind him he notices the villagers and the siblings. 

"Please don't go Aang." Katara pleads. "The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can I, or Sokka, or (Y/N)." Said girl shifts besides her sister, playing with her fingers nervously and looking at Aang with sad eyes.

"But I have to ask Avatar Roku what my vision means!" Aang Jumps up. "I need to get to the fire temple before the sun sets on the solstice! That's today!" He jumps up onto Appa and takes hold of the reigns.

Appa makes it one step before three figure comes hurtling out of the crowd and in front of Appa. "We aren't going to let you go into the Fire Nation Aang." (Y/N) says.

"At least not alone." Sokka adds with a grin. "Not without your friends. We got your back." Appa licks Sokka who then shrikes in disgust.

"Its a long journey to the crescent island." A villager steps forward, handing Aang some supplies. "You'll have to fly fast to have any chance of making it before sundown. Good luck."

"Thank you for your-" 

"GO!" The man yells.

Appa takes off, the siblings and supplies safely on his back.


The same man groans when exiting his house, only to come face to face with our favorite daddy issues prince who says, "Seen the avatar lately?" And shoves the man back into his house.


Aang sits on Appa's head, the siblings behind him. "Come on Appa! We have a long ways to go so we need to pick up the speed!"

(Y/N) crawls over to Aang quietly, trying not to disturb him. "Hey Aang?"

Aang looks over his shoulder, "Yeah?"

"Can I ask about the vision?"

Aang turns back, sighing. "Yeah, I"ll tell you. It was a-"

He's cut off by Sokka and Katara, who begin yelling loudly because Zuko's ship was catching up to them. 

"FIREBALL!" Katara yells to Aang, who then pushes (Y/N) back to the saddle and monuvers Appa out of the way while saying that he's on it.

"We need to gets out of Zuko's range!" (Y/N) yells, hand covering her mouth from smoke. 

"Before he shoots another hot stinker at us!" Katara adds.

 "Can't you make Appa go any faster?" Sokka asks, covering his mouth as well.

"Yeah, there's just one little problem.."

"A Blockade!"

"If we fly north we can fly around the fire nation ships and ignore the blockade." He looks back at the siblings. "It's the only way."

"Theres no time!" Katara says.

"This is exactly why I didn't want you to come! It's too dangerous!"

The Avatar's kindred Spirit {Aang x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now