Chapter 10: The Water Bending Scroll

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(Y/N)'s POV

"WOULD YOU SIT DOWN?" Sokka yells at Aang. "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off! What's bugging you anyway?"

"It's what Avatar Roku said. I'm supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives." Aang turns around to face him.

"Well, let's see. You've pretty much mastered Airbending and that only took you a hundred and twelve years. I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer!"

"Sokka," I groan. "That's just gonna make him more panicked. That isn't what Aang needs right now!"

"I haven't even started water bending, and we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What am I gonna do?"

I grab Aangs wrist gently. "Calm down. Panicking isn't going to help you."

Katara moves forward a bit, "If you want, we could teach you some of the stuff we know."

"You'd do that for me?" 

"Though, I must admit, we don't know much. But it'll get you started." I chirp in, smiling at Aang.

"We'll need to find a good source of water first." We move closer to the edge of the saddle to look.

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in." Sokka grins.


It's not a puddle that we found, but rather a large river with a nice sized waterfall. "Nice puddle." 

Appa bodyslams into the river, wetting Momo who then screeches and fly's away. Aang rids himself of the majority of his clothes and is just about to run in to join Appa when Katara reminds him why they stopped here. "Remember the reason we're here." She raises an eyebrow.

"Oh right, time to practice water bending." I turn to stifle my laughter as Aang re-dresses. 

"Great, so, what am I supposed to do?" Sokka asks.

"You could... clean the gunk out of Appa's toes." Aang picks up a stick.

"So, while you guys are playing in the water, I'm supposed to be hard at work, picking muscles out of a giant bisons feet?"

"Mud and bugs." Aang grins. 

Sokka shrugs. "Ok."

Sokka stands on Appa's stomach while rubbing the stick in between his toes. "Yeah, don't get too happy. You gotta do me next." Appa loudly groans.

"So, this is a pretty basic move, but it still took me months to perfect. So don't be frustrated if you don't get it right away." Katara says while Aang and I sit watching. I've already learned this move, but Its still good to refresh your memory every once in awhile. "Just push and pull the water, like this. The key is getting the wrist movement right. 

Aang stands up and I do too after a moment. "Like this?" 

"That's almost right," Katara says, continuing her movements. "If you keep practicing I'm sure eventually-" She looks over and notices the Aang's wave is considerably larger than hers.

"Hey, I'm bending it ready!"

"Wow, I can't believe you got that so quickly. It took me two months to learn that move."

"Remember Katara, when you taught me it? It took me two weeks, but thats because I had you teach it to me." I interject.

"You also had to figure it out on your own. I'm lucky enough to have you both as teachers."

Katara grins. "Thanks."

"So, what's next?"

"This is a more difficult move. I call it streaming the water. Its harder than it looks so don't be disappointed if..." I look over and notice that Aang is doing very well with his bending. He streams it around and over his head back into the water.

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