The Two Times Gym Battle (Red)

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It was a sunny day which was ironic as the Cinnabar Gym Leader was a fire-type specialist.

Pidgeys flew here and there in the morning sky. Clouds were white as snow. It was cold and I wished I had carried a sweater.

But Pallet Town wasn't far from Cinnabar, I could change my clothes when I get home.

For now, I had to apply all my brains to think where the Cinnabar Gym was. Sabrina said that it had shifted to a new place, but what is it.

Sabrina should not use her powers as we do not know what could be the consequences.

We sat inside a restaurant, eating breakfast.
I and Leaf ate pancakes. Sabrina had sushi.

'Where could be this gym ?', said Leaf.

'Can't we ask the people who live here?', asked Sabrina.

I slammed my head onto the table.

'Why didn't I think that before', I said.

'Great', said Leaf.

Leaf walked to a random person and asked where the gym was. The woman said that the gym was somewhere to the north side but she never saw it.

'The citizens don't even know where it is', said Leaf.

'She said it is in the northern part of the City', said Sabrina. 'We can search for the gym there'.

'What are we waiting for ? Let's go !', I shouted, cheerfully.

'Red, finish your breakfast first', said Sabrina.

Leaf laughed.

Later, we searched for the gym in the northern part of the city.

But we had no chance. Not even a clue where the gym was. We tried to ask many citizens but they also didn't know about the whereabouts.

We searched it till the afternoon but unfortunately have to stop because of our tiredness. Sabrina still looked like she had done nothing.

We rested inside the PokeCentre.

'Leaf, you said that your father worked in some lab, here in Cinnabar', I said.

'Yeah, but he never allows me come visit him', said Leaf.

'We are trainers now, so let's not visit him and just visit the lab', I said.

'Good brain', said Leaf. 'Sleepy Red not so sleepy'.

We walked outside, the lab was just next door.

The board outside said - Pokemon Research Lab.

I rushed inside followed by Leaf and Sabrina. The lab was big, it had all sorts of stuff that you can find in science fiction movies.

Suddenly, a scientist walked to us. Show your ID cards, trainers.

I showed my Pokedex, so did Leaf.

'So, here for what ?', asked the Scientist.

'What do you mean ?', I asked.

'For trainers, we just have - Information to Pokemon, Fossil Regeneration and Examination', said the Scientist.

'What is Fossil Regeneration ?', I asked.

'If you have a Fossil, we can regenerate it into the Pokemon it is of', said the Scientist. 'It takes a few days'.

'Yes, we do have fossils', I said.

'So, let's move', said the Scientist.

We followed the Scientist.

Pokémon RedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ