Chapter 3

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"Where the hell are my friends"

*couple of day since the cafe*


It's currently Saturday.

I turn over in my bed to turn off my alarm.

uGh, why do I always forget to turn this damn thing off.

I let my hand plop on top of it causing the alarm to fall.


I fling myself out of bed, pick up the alarm and put it back on my night stand.

Well looks like i'm up for good now.

I check the time.

8:57 a.m.

I shrug it off and decided to make my way down stairs.

I see my mom and dad cooking breakfast together.

They honestly are goals at times. Then at other times it's like "oh shit"

Sometimes I it's cause he's a Capricorn and she's an Aries, but then again that stuff isn't really real so I don't know.

I sit at our little bar-like thingy and start looking through my phone.

"Hey my sweet girl!" My mom calls over her shoulder once she realizes i'm in here.

"Hey kiddo!" Dad says right after wards.

"Good morning." I flash a fair smile cause i'm still half awake.

A couple minutes later Daniel comes down.

"What's for breakfast?" He grumbles, while rubbing his eye.

"Wow, no 'good morning mom and dad! thank you for making breakfast!'" Mom says to him.

He shrugs and mimics what she said:
"gOOd mORninG mOm anD dAd! thANk yOu sOOOO mUch fOr making brEakfAst!"

You see...if this was me when I was his age, I would have been grounded. There is something about the second siblings where they get off more easy.

My mom shoots him a death stare and continues on with breakfast and plates it.

I start to ponder into my thoughts when one thought passed my mind.

"Hey, mom. dad. You never really told us when we are moving. All I know is that you've been transferring stuff over there the past couple of days." I say and I shove pancakes into my mouth.

"Well actually (y/n)..." My dad starts

well this can't be good

"That's one reason why we made breakfast." He smiles, while I have the same look on my face as I did when I started this conversation.

His smile drops and he continues on.

"We plan on being completely out of the house within the next week. Less would be better."

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