Chapter 6

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"Just a fantasy taking over like a disease"

Your POV:

We are now currently on our way to school. My dad is on his was to his first day at his new job. My first day at some high school I don't even know the name of yet. Daniel is on his way to some middle school.

"Okay, so first, you guys will walk across the street and go down into the subway. Take bus 45 to the subway station on Franklin. Then from there on, you'll just walk to your schools."

I nod my head going along with what he said.

"Hey dad?" I ask

"Yeah sweetie?"

"What is my school even called?"

He pauses. I presume to think.

"Midtown High, I think."

I nod my head and look back out the window.

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Peter's POV:

I get to school and go to my locker.

I wonder if (y/n) will be going here?

My thoughts get interrupted.

"wiTh gReAt pOWer cOmeS gReaT rEspOnsiBiLiTAAAAAY!" Said a low voice.

I turn around and it's the one and only Ned Leeds.

"Hey" I say while we go into our handshake.

"Hey, sooooo what about..." He looks around as if someone is listening. Which they aren't cause they couldn't care less of us.

Ned whispers, "Code L12."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Explain at lunch?" I ask while closing my locker and start heading to my first class.

"uGh, fine. But if i'm waiting this long for nothing. I don't know, just I hope it's not for nothing."

"Oh, she certainly isn't nOtHiNg."
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New Girl's POV:

I go to the front office and let the people know I'm new.

They just nod, ask me my name, give my locker combination, and my schedule

(y/n)(l/n) Grade: 10 Q: Third
1st: Chemistry
2nd: Litterateur
3rd: Algebra 2
4th: Art
5th: Spanish II

I look at it and shrug.

Not too bad. Mostly easy.

As i'm walking to my locker I just kinda keep my head down. I don't want to bother anyone by being annoying or something. So it's best to just keep my distance.

When I stop at locker, I thought I saw Peter out the corner of my eye heading to, I think, Calculus.

Wait isn't he a sophomore? How is he taking Calculus? Is he THAT smart. Damn. I though I was cool for being able to take Algebra 2 as a sophomore.

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