Chapter 13

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"we may be a little late, hey, but at least we're on our way."
Let's Go - Khalid

Peter's POV:

Oh my gosh, I can't believe (y/n) was so brave like that. I never saw her as that type of person.

I mean, like, she's always so quiet that you wouldn't really portray her as the 'hero' type?

What am I talking about; you wouldn't portray me as the 'hero' type either

But how she analyzed the whole situation so well.


Currently, I'm swinging to Stark Tower.

Happy called me and said he needed to see me and it was urgent.

So here I am, swinging across NYC.

I soon arrive and go to the little patio area.

I walk up and see Happy.

"Hey Hap!" I say waving and taking my mask off.

I actually don't come here that much.

I only come when Tony Stark (rarely him) or Happy Hogan say they need me.

Like right now.

"Why did you need to see me?"

"Oh, yeah. Well I actually don't need to see you I just said it was urgent that you be here."


"Um why is it that I'm here?"

I hear a door open and look that way.

oH mY gOsH iTs tOnY sTaRk?!!!!

I blink my eyes repeatedly.

(A/N  kinda like the blinking guy gif if you know what i'm talking about)

I've met the guy a good amount of times, but it's still amazing whenever I see him.

I mean it's Tony freaking Stark.

Anyways, we are honestly pretty close considering we have only met like 4 times maybe?

I mean he basically is my mentor to this whole superhero thing.

"Hey kid." Tony says.

"Hi Mr. Stark!"

"So I heard on the news that there was an attack in the subway and that YOU stopped it."

He sits down, crosses his legs and leans back on a couch looking, in my opinion, proud.

I smile and then realized that I couldn't lie.

"Well-I mean, it wasn't entirely me." I rub the back of my neck.

"Oh, so did that one friend of" he starts snapping his hand above his head. "Ted- or is it, NED! that's it."

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