Chapter 26

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i sit on the roof still in shock from what i had just witnessed.

"what am i going to do...."

i get up and pull myself together. i pace back and forth.

"i no, he probably would figure i do that."

"maybe! no, no....that's impossible."

"wait a minute....."






everything was black. i didn't know where i was, what happened, and why i was here.

all i remember is Green Goblin showing up and then Peter turned into Spider-Man.

What am i going to do?

i feel around my tied up hands.



if it was ripe i could cut them but with chains...not so much.

i try to pull the blindfold down

i only get it down a little ways.

i'm not where i pictured.

i pictured an old basement that looked like it hadn't been touched in years, but i'm just in a room. looks like it could be a lab of some sort.

i scan the surrounding area.

wait do i have my phone?

was he stupid enough to leave it?

since i can't really feel my pockets i just kinda shift around and try to feel the phone press agains my leg.

"well, well, well, isn't it the famous (y/n)

i quickly stop what i was doing and look where the voice was coming from.

"Harry...should have known."

"honestly surprised you didn't catch on sooner. i mean i even bad you WORK on the hover board itself." he fiddled with a pen.

"now you're here. chained waiting for your little spider boy to save you." he smirks

"eh, more less."

"i see what you're trying to do with me (y/n). it's not going to work." he gets right in my face.

"i know what you all are going to do before you even do it."

"psh, yeah yeah yeah. you know these chains hurt really bad. i was wondering if you could loosen them?"

"oh yeah sure le- no." he turns and starts to walk away.

"thanks for visiting me! i was getting quite lonely!" i hell after him.

when i see he has gone i go back to looking for my phone.

oh thank the lord he is dumb

i ease the phone out of the pocket it was in and pick it up and lay it on my lap

okay nose...don't fail me now.

i type in my password and go to Peter's contact.

i turn my phone on silent so he doesn't here the ringing.



i turn the volume down all the way and quickly hide the phone.

"why isn't it my good ol' buddy Evil Yoda! or would you prefer Green Troll?"

"i know what you're doing. there isn't cell signal in here so even if you calling your little boyfriend."

"eh, it was worth a shot."

"anyways just came in here to let you know..." he walks closer to me, "try anything slick and you're dead. understand."

"ahh so scary, like i haven't heard that one before in every villain movie."

he scoffs and walks away.

come on Peter


"come on hurry does it take this long to access camera footage?"

"i'm sorry but do you want to be the one doing this?" i stay silent, "then shut up."

"sorry Ned i'm just really worried about her...what if she's dying? or sick? or-"

"Peter i'm pretty sure (y/n) can handle herself, we need to focus on figuring out where she is."

"yeah, yeah. okay what do you got?"

"i got him turning the corner in 13th and then the footage stops once he gets onto Parkway."

"so Parkway here i come."

"hey hey hey, what do you say...."

"that you my guy in the chair." i send him a wink

"you're very much welcome Spider-Man my kind sir. Now go get (y/n)."

i hurriedly grab my stuff and put everything on.

"hey Karen?"

—yes Peter—

"two things. 1. hook up the communication systems with my computer at home."

—already done—

"thank you! 2. quickest route to Parkway please."
hey gUysss

so i think this story is going to have 2-3 chapters left sadly :,(

sometime soon i plan on making a Tom Holland fan fic though ;) i'll probably start it sometime in April? May? i'm not for sure yet.

if you want something to read...i recommend "Jealously" on marvelisourtype 's page and literally any book i have saved on my profile. Wrong World by is SO great too ;))

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