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Alex groaned as he got out of bed not wanting to go to school. He rubbed his eyes and made his way to the bathroom, opening the door splashing cold water on his face. He looked up in the mirror only to be startled by a boy in the mirror. "What the heck Asher. Why are you in here?" Alex said holding his chest trying to control his breathing. "I don't know, I just wanted to see what you were doing," Asher explained. "Well, when someone is in the bathroom you knock," Alex said grabbing his toothbrush. "What's that?" Asher asked taking it out of the boy's hand. "It's called a toothbrush," Alex spoke taking it back. "It's used to keep your teeth clean and keep your breath from smelling like yours," Alex said causing Asher to hold his hand up to his mouth to check his breath. "Can you show me how?" He asked. Alex could feel the heat rush to his face. "S-sure."

Alex showed Asher how to brush his teeth and floss. "My mouth tastes weird," Asher spoke with his tongue hanging out. "It will be fine," Alex said pushing Asher out of the room. "What are you doing?" The boy asked a little hurt. "I'm about to take a shower," Alex explained. "Shower? Can you show me how to do that?" Asher said before getting the door slammed in his face.

Asher whimpered before walking down the stairs to find TJ still sleeping. "Wake up," Asher spoke shaking TJ. "Five more minutes." TJ groaned turning his back to Asher. Asher smacked the back of the sleeping boys head. "Ouch," TJ growled. "What? You wouldn't get up. Plus I thought it would be funny" Asher smiled.

TJ finally got up stretching and rubbing his eyes. "It's really cozy in here. I could have slept forever." TJ spoke in a raspy morning voice. "Yeah," Asher said wondering around the room poking random things that were sitting around. "Can you stop touching things?" Alex said with a bit of water dripping off his hair. TJ stared at the boy in lust. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Alex asked drying his hair with a towel. TJ did not respond as his eyes started to glow a bright blue. "TJ..." Asher said walking over to him. Before Asher could grab him, TJ lunged at Alex pinning him to the floor. Alex screamed closing his eyes trying to fight the boy who was on top of him. TJ growled at the boy showing his growing fangs. Asher slammed his body into the boy knocking him over. TJ growled at Asher before attacking and swiping at him. Asher dodged the swipes and slammed his fist into TJ's chest. Knocking the wind out of him. TJ gasped for air as his glowing blue eyes dimmed. "I'm sorry dude," Asher said rubbing TJ's back. TJ just nodded his head knowing the boy didn't mean to hurt him. "I'm sorry again Alex, I just..." "It's fine TJ," Alex said cutting off TJ and standing up with a small smile on his face.

"Where are you going?" TJ asked looking at the boy who seemed to be dressed nicely. "I'm going to school." Alex answer fixing his hair. "School?" Asher asked confused. "It's basically hell," Alex replied. "Then why go?" TJ asked. "Because I have to," Alex said walking to the front door. "I'll be back soon. Don't touch anything, and if my mom comes in just say you spent the night." Alex commanded walking out of the door leaving


Damion was already at school sitting in the gym waiting for his friends to show up. "HEY!" Jack shouted. Alison rolled her eyes and sat next to Damion. "Sometimes I don't believe you guys are dating," Jack responded. "Just because we aren't smashing our faces together, doesn't mean we aren't dating." Damion snapped back. "Anyway, have you seen the new student teacher for Mr. Garcia?" Jack said taking a seat next to Damion. "No, why?" Damion replied. "He is smoking," Jack said with hearts practically in his eyes. Damion and Alison chuckled a bit. "I knew I could get you guys to smile," Jack said with his hands on his hips. "Shut up Jack," Damion said standing up helping his girlfriend up as well.

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