A Murder At Jefferson

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I have just gotten really busy. I am also looking for a co-author for another one of my books. Let me know if any of you are interested in the offer. Enjoy the chapter.

Name: Matthew David Rhodes (Matthew David Morris)
Age: 17
Species: Human
Genus: Hitman
Personality: Cold and Emotionless

Name: Matthew David Rhodes (Matthew David Morris)Age: 17Species: HumanGenus: HitmanPersonality: Cold and Emotionless

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Name: Darius Hahlik (Darius Marcell)
Age: 17
Species: Human
Genus: Hacker
Personality: Fun and Goofy

Name: Darius Hahlik (Darius Marcell)Age: 17Species: HumanGenus: HackerPersonality: Fun and Goofy

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Asher struggled to stand after enduring Olivia's blood-curdling scream. He made is way over to the woman who did not seem to be responsive. "Oliva? Are you okay?" Asher said practically crawling to the girl's side. He still got no answer. Mustering up enough strength, he picked up Oliva and threw her over his shoulder. He made is way out of the classroom almost tripping over the teacher's body. His eyes and nose had blood oozing out of them. Asher looked away not wanting to look at the man's body, stepping over it and continuing on his path to the house.

After almost 30 minutes of walking, he finally made it back to Alex's house. "ALEX, TJ, HELP!" Asher cried out no longer able to support the woman's weight from being extremely fatigue for some reason. Before blacking out, Asher heard the unlocking of a door and the faint screams of Alex. "Asher, ASHER!"

An Hour Later (Asher POV):

I could hear light yelling going on as I finally started to come to. "Who or what ever did this is going to pay." I could hear TJ's voice and light footsteps indicating that he was pacing. "W-what happened?" I asked immediately being swarmed by bodies. "You're awake!" TJ shouted a bit louder than he intended to. "If you keep yelling like that, I won't be." I joked. "What happened, and who is this woman?" Alex asked looking over at the woman. "She is my tutor. Has she even been awake yet?" I asked. "Other than mumbling nonsense in her sleep, no." TJ said taking a seat next to me.

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