The Silent Scream

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"So are you like, some kind of cyborg, robot thing?" Alex asked genuinely curious. "Not really. I just have a chip implemented in my brain to enhance my processing ability. I can't shoot rockets out of my arm or anything like that." Matthew explains. "Well, that's a massive let down." Alex frowns. "So, where did you learn how to fight like that," Damion asked rubbing the back of his neck still in pain from when Matthew flipped him. "Well, my mother taught me how to fight actually. Before she vanished, we used to have sparing matches." Matthew spoke choking up just saying the word mother. "Sorry, that must have been a sensitive topic, I apologize," Damion spoke looking down. "No, it's fine really." Matthew smiled squeezing Aidan's hand. Aidan laid Matthews head on his shoulder in response and rubbed circles into his back.

"I guess we should all get ready for school now." Alex frowned at the thought of going back. "I'm surprised that they are even letting up back into the school after the death of that teacher," Aiden spoke. "Maybe they caught the thing?" Damion proposed. "That's highly unlikely." Matthew quickly responded. "Why is that?" Jack questioned furrowing his eyebrows. "The thing that killed that teacher was a Nagi. A scaled creature created by a rejecting Alpha or King bite." Matthew informed causing everyone in the room to shudder a bit. "So they are real?" Damion gulped know exactly what they are capable of. "It shouldn't bother us while we are at school. Nagi's hate large groups of bodies in one place but in order to draw them out..." Matthew was cut off by TJ shouting. "Wait, THEM!" he yelled. "Yes, they usually travel in packs picking off prey one by one. Now back to what I was saying, in order to draw them out we would need to stay after school for a while. Wait for everyone to leave and lure them out." Matthew informed. "What about your friend there? Can he even fight?" Alison pointed over to the boy with the blonde streak in his hair. "Absolutely not, I will be sitting here watching over you guys while you do all the work." Darius smiles happily. Everyone rolled there eyes and started to get dressed for the day.

An Hour Later:

Alex, Asher, Alison, Damion, TJ, Aiden, Matthew, and Jack all decided to walk to school instead of getting a ride from Angel. All of them stopped once they made it in front of the school glaring at it as if they have never seen it before. They all took a step in unison planting there feet on the pavement sending the air become heavy. They know something was here and waiting. They all pushed the horrible thoughts out of there mind walking up to the doors stopping in front of them. "You ready?" TJ asked. "As ready as I'll ever be," Alex responded pulling TJ closer to him. They all placed there hand on the handle pulling it open as the breeze from the cool school air hit them in the face. It seemed colder than usual. They all stepped in and made their way to the classes not exchanging any more words.

Matthew walked into his first-period class surviving the room closely. One of his eyes started to become another color as he scanned the room. "Can you please take a seat, Matthew?" The teacher asked. He was instantly snapped out of his trance fixing his attention to the woman with blonde hair. "Yes, sorry," Matthew spoke taking his seat in the back of the classroom. "I know it has been a rough week for all of us, but we have the leave that in the past. I will be filling in for Mr. Simmions. My name Is Olivia." She spoke writing her name on the board. "Today will be an easy day for all of you. I have posted an assignment on Itslearning. Finish the problems and submit it by 11:59 PM today." She spoke before taking a seat behind her desk.

Matthew opened his laptop and went to the assignment that he was told to go to. That was when he noticed something, something no-one else questioned. The word document was named Nagi.Doc. Matthew opened the file seeing it was an assignment over mythological creatures. It just so happens it was over Nagi. Matthew raised his and catching the teachers attention. "Yes, Matthew?" She spoke. "May I please be excused." He asked standing up from his desk. "Sure, just take a hall pass." She motioned towards the door. Matthew grabbed a hall pass running into the bathroom pulling out his phone, texting the group chat.

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