Supernatural Creatures

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Many of you may be confused about what is what if you have not read a supernatural book before. This is not an update but more of an informational document for you. The pictures that you will see in this are what these creatures look like in the purest of forms. Only in extremely desperate measures will any creature take this form. Even then you may not see this due to the fact it is 'former/olden' days or savage times. AGAIN THIS IS NOT WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE ANYMORE THIS IS JUST TO INFORM YOU ON HOW THEY ONCE LOOKED AND GIVE A BIT OF BACKSTORY WITH THE DEFINITIONS. 


Vampires: Vampires are quick, smart, and classy creatures. They have been on this earth for millenniums and they believe they are entitled to anything that they want. As we all know vampires require blood or some sort of blood substitute. These blood-sucking creatures all share the same basic powers. Super speed, Super strength, and Rapid healing. Greater vampires (Vampires of Royal blood) May have enhanced powers or a whole new power if they are lucky. They have the ability to reproduce by biting the victim's neck releasing toxins into there body or by mating.

 They have the ability to reproduce by biting the victim's neck releasing toxins into there body or by mating

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Werewolves: Werewolves are born as wolves unless turned into a werewolf by other means. For example, if an alpha male mates with a female while in wolf form. The child will be born as a wolf with the ability to transform into human form, but if an alpha male turns another human into a wolf by biting them. Then that's another story. As we all know wolves are attracted to the full moon and that is when they are most powerful enhancing there abilities. Their basic powers are strength, speed, and agility. 

Half-Breeds: A half-breed is a mixture of a vampire and a werewolf

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Half-Breeds: A half-breed is a mixture of a vampire and a werewolf. Deemed forbidden by elders, if you ever come across one of these powerhouses, get away as quickly as possible. They are unpredictable and thirst for blood just like vampires but now fueled by the greed of a wolf. These are only created when a vampire mates with a werewolf for vampires can not give werewolves powers and vice-versa. Nothing can compare to its power. Only that of a Pure alpha decent or a King vampire can rival its power. 

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