Alex, An Angel In Disguise

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        Alison's head was pounding. It felt like she was hit by a huge semi-truck. "It looks like she is waking." Alison heard a voice. It sounded like it was miles away. "D-Damion." Alison stuttered opening her eyes glaring right into Matthews. "Did you have a nice nap?" Matthew asked while putting on latex gloves. "Who are you?" Alison asked trying to break free of her bindings. "There is no use in struggling. That is the strongest material you can buy." Matthew explained lighting a cigarette. "What do you want with me?" She asked watching the boy pace around her. "I want to know where Jack is." He spoke with a cigarette between his lips. "You know smoking is bad for you." Alison snapped. "Your right." Matthew smiled blowing out smoke. He walked over to her putting the cigarette out on her hand. Alison grit her teeth together, baring the pain. "She's tougher than she looks," Matthew said a bit annoyed.

Darius sat and watched as Matthew interrogated the girl. "I think that's enough. She clearly has nothing to hide." Darius spoke walking over to Matthew. Matthew sighed pulling off his now bloodstained gloves. "Connect me to Alex's phone. I need him to see her face. Maybe then, I can get some answers." Matthew spoke walking behind Alison.

Darius sighed and walked over to his computer and started to type in a few passwords, hacking into Alex's phone. Alex looked down at his phone noticing he was getting a FaceTime call. "Who is that?" Aiden asked looking over at Alex's phone. "I'm not sure," Alex spoke while answering the call only to be horrified.

"Hello, Alex and all his friends," Matthew spoke through the phone. Damion, TJ, Jack, and Asher crowded the phone. "What do you want?" Damion growled through his teeth. "All I want is to know what happened to that teacher," Matthew spoke emotionless. "We told you, we don't know what happened to that teacher," TJ growled. "See, I'm not sure how much I believe that. Intel tells me that Asher was there when that teacher was murdered." Matthew spoke. Asher held his head down as everyone looked back at him. "Well, maybe your intel is wrong," Alex spoke up. "That's highly unlikely," Matthew said walking behind Alison, who was knocked out with blood running down her face. "I want all of you to meet me at the location I sent to your phone," Matthew said as everyone's phone starts to ding. "I don't want anyone extra. If I find out you are planning something. Alison is dead." Matthew spoke with a straight face before ending the call.

"What do we do?" Asher asked shaking a bit. "We have to do what he says. He will hurt Alison." Damion quickly spoke. TJ looked at Damion a bit jealous but decided to get over it because of the situation. "This location is in the middle of nowhere," Jack spoke looking up the location on maps. "I would assume he is planning to kill us all without distraction," Aiden informed. "Good luck with that," TJ spoke growling. "Well, we have a long journey ahead of us. Best get moving now." Aiden said pulling out a handgun from under his sleeve. "Whoa, do you always have that on you?" Alex asked shocked. "Of course I do." Aiden chuckled. TJ just growled and turned his back.

"Are the vampires carrying us again or?" Alex asked confused. "TJ will be on my back, Aiden will be on Jack's back, and you will be on Asher's because you are lighter," Damion explained. Asher started to blush when he heard that Alex would be riding him.

TJ hopped on Damion's back, Aiden hopped on Jacks, and Alex hopped on Asher's. "Everyone ready?" Damion asked. Everyone nodded and Asher barked being in wolf form. In the blink of an eye, everyone was gone. Disappearing into thin air.

An Hour Later:

Aiden, Asher, TJ, Damion, Jack, and Alex all arrived at the given location. "There is nothing here but a couple of trees," Alex said stepping off Asher's back. "Welcome," Matthew spoke walking from behind a tree. Laser sights were immediately on all of them. "So this was a setup?" Alex spoke as if he was not surprised. "A set up takes skill. You simply walked right into a trap. Which makes me think, what do you have up your sleeve?" Matthew spoke on guard. "We don't have anything up our sleeve." Aiden chuckled. "Ah, now I remember you. You were with the hunters weren't you?" Matthew spoke. "And your real name is Matthew correct?" Aiden replied to the boy.

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