A harpy is born

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A/N: This was published on my phone, not my laptop. It was not sent through Grammarly so I am sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Feel free to point them out.

"I got it." TJ said running towards the door opening it. "Hi..." A man said holding flowers and chocolate. "Um Ms. Miller, Someone's at the door." TJ said giving the man an awkward look. Iris walked down the stairs quickly noticing the flowers in the man's hand. "Ahh Dylan, I was wondering when you were going to pick me up." Iris said walking towards the man planting a kiss on his face. Asher, Alex, and TJ's jaws dropped seeing the woman be kind for once. "Sorry, traffic is a b..." The man said cut off by a smack on his left arm. "Watch your language." She said with a glare. "Sorry." He apologized again. "I don't know what kind of spell you're under, but you need to snap out of it." TJ said aloud. Iris turned around and glared at the boy growling. TJ was taken back by her aggressive growl. "Wait, you're a wolf." TJ shouted. "Yes I am." She spoke taking ahold of Dylan's hand. "Wait, how come I can't sense you?" Asher asked. "It's not hard for me to mask my scent." The woman spoke rolling her eyes. "Is Dylan a wolf too?" Alex asked staring at the man. "No, of course not. He's a vampire." She said causing TJ to practically faint. "But that's forbidden." Asher said rolling his eyes are the overdramatic TJ. "So was being gay, but here we are." Iris said smiling. Asher shrugged and finally sat down on the couch. "Alright boy's, I will be back around 11. I do not want you touching anything you don't need to. Food is in the fridge, snacks in the third cabinet to the left, and the TV is a smart TV, so feel free to watch whatever. Again, don't... leave... this... house... understand." Iris glared at the boys but leaning more towards TJ. "Yeah, yeah." TJ said quickly making his way to the snacks. Iris rolled her eyes and closed the door behind her. "Do you think those boys will stay out of trouble?" The tall man asked. "I doubt it."


"You had fun without me?" Jack pouted looking at the ground. "I was helping a friend." Damion said rolling his eyes before biting into a thirst quencher. "Uck, I don't know how you can even drink those things." Jack said scrunching his face up in disgust. "Only thing I have, seeing I don't drink human blood anymore." Damion said wiping off a bit of the red liquid that had run down his bottom lip. "Why did you stop exactly?" Jack asked genuinely confused. "I already told you. I don't like talking about it." Damion said throwing the packet away. "Yeah, yeah, but it's so good." Jack drooling just thinking about sinking his fangs into someone. "You need help." Damion chuckled. "No, you do. What kind of vampire doesn't drink blood? Jack said sitting on Damion's couch. "Me." Damion simply replied sitting on the opposite side of the couch.

"So you and that wolf. How is that going?" Jack asked earning a death glare from Damion. "We are just friends. He has a boyfriend and I'm not going to be some plaything." Damion replied coldly. Jack threw his hands up in defense. "Well, what about Alison?" Jack said causing Damion's expression to change drastically. "I haven't talked to her... I don't think I want to talk to her." Damion replied. "Well you're going to have to soon." Jack spoke in a calm more serious tone. "I know, but our relationship is kind of dead." (Pun 100% intended) Damion said looking at the ceiling. "Well, even if you aren't getting back together. You should still make things right." Jack informed. "You're right." Damion smiled. "I know I am. Now until then, what do you want to do?" Jack asked causing Damion to smirk.

Back At Iris Home:

"Ugh, I'm so bored." TJ groaned upside down on the couch. "Go to sleep." Asher said flipping through the channels. "Or... we could do something." TJ said yanking the remote out of Asher's hand. "Hey, I was using that, besides; we can't leave anyway. Iris told us to stay put." Asher informed. "And since when did you start falling the rules?" TJ chuckled. "Since Iris came into my life." Asher laughed. "Anyways, even if I did agree to these terms. What would we do with Alex?" Asher said looking at the half-asleep boy. "He has powers. We could teach him how to use them." TJ said in an excited tone. Asher sighed indicating that he gave in. "Fine, but if Iris catches us. All the blame is on you." Asher spoke. TJ shrugged and walked over to the now sleeping boy. "WAKE UP!" TJ shouted almost giving the smaller boy a heart attack. "Don't fucking do that!" Alex shouted. "Aww, you're so cute when you're angry." TJ smirked as a small blush crept across Alex's face. "What do you want?" Alex asked covering his rosy cheeks. "We are going to teach you how to use your power." Asher said instantly waking up the boy. "REALLY!" Alex said getting into a cheesy, old fashion combat pose. "Yes, and please, stop doing that. You're embarrassing yourself." TJ said cringing at the site. "Sorry." Alex stood at attention. TJ rolled his eyes and opened the front door only to be met face to face with Damion. "GAH!" TJ shouted jumping back. "Well that's no way to greet a friend." Damion smirked. "The hell are you doing here?" TJ asked holding his heart that was beating out of his chest. "We were bored and wanted to see what you were up to." Damion said still standing in the doorway. "We?" Asher asked as Jack poked his head from behind Damion. "Great." Asher rolled his eyes as Jack made stupid kissy faces at Asher. "Well, we were about to help Alex use his powers." TJ informed the two. "Sweet, let's do it." Jack said smiling. "We." Asher signaled his hands back and forth between him and the pair. "Aren't doing anything." Asher finished in a bit of a rude tone. "Why not?" TJ asked looking over at Asher. "Because, what if they attack Alex again?" Asher said looking at the clueless boy. "It will be fine. They have changed clearly." TJ said looking right at Damion. "Just a little." Jack smirked before showing Alex his fangs, hissing at him causing Alex to jump and hide behind TJ. "Stop it." Damion said. "Fine." Jack chuckled.

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