A tragic passing

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"We need to hook her up to the machine stat." One of the doctors yelled through her mask covered in what looked like blood. Olivia as on a gurney strapped down being rushed to the hospital after her episode. Students stood along the sides of the hallway as she was pushed out of the building into an ambulance.

"What was that all about?" TJ asked confused standing in the hall with the whole gang. "I don't know. I think she was having a vision." Matthew explained. "She just started rambling nonsense and writing a weird message on the board." Matthew finished. "What did the messages say?" Alex questioned. "Judgement of all men resides to he who belongs in the kingdom alone," Matthew explained causing everyone to scrunch up there face. "Don't look at me I didn't write it, but where is Damion anyway?" Matthew asked noticing that he was not around. "He didn't feel to well and decided he wanted to head home early," Alison answered.

"I thought vampires don't get sick?" Alex spoke genuinely confused. "We may be undead but we aren't invincible. We can still get sick because we still need blood cells, whether red or white like any other person. Those cells can still be attacked. The only thing that is different for us is the fact we don't have a heartbeat, which means we don't have blood flowing through our body, meaning we have to drink other human blood. Without flowing blood our bodies naturally decay. So we drink fresh human blood and convert it. For example, when you get a cut, you bleed and that blood is simply rushing there to help speed up the healing process. Vampires are unable to do that and need to feed in order to heal their wounds by converting and sending the blood they drank to produce blood cells to repair our wound. If a vampire ingests blood from someone with a blood disorder. It is possible for that vampire to contract that disease." Alison explains. "I never knew that. I thought you guys were immune to any kind of disease." Alex spoke feeling bad for what he had said before. "Nope, just heart attacks." Alison joked before strutting down the hallway.

"I'm just concerned about us," Asher mumbled under his breath. "What is there to be concerned about?" Aiden replied. "I don't know, I just thought Banshee were able to sense death and this is the second time she has wailed like that," Asher said with fear in his voice. "It will be fine. As long as we all stay together we won't have to worry." TJ said reassuring Asher who seemed to be freaking out.

The bell then rang for students to head home. "Hey, I'll catch you guys later," TJ said almost sprinting out the doors. "Where are you going!?" Alex shouted as the boy flew out the doors. "TO GO CHECK UP ON DAMION!" TJ responded as loud as he could while still dashing through the parking lot. "That boy is going to kill me." Alex chuckled walking with Asher to his house. Aiden and Matthew both decided to go to Aiden's house to "study".

Moments Later:

TJ finally made it to Damion's house knocking on the door. "Hold on." A familiar voice shouted from what seemed to be upstairs. After a couple of locks clicking, the door was finally open. "TJ? what are you doing here?" Jack asked. Jack had stayed home from school today just not feeling like he needed to go. "I'm here to check up on Damion." He responded with his infamous smile. It was almost more contagious that Ashers, almost. "Oh, he is resting right now. He's been moving slow lately." Jack replied. "He must be really sick huh?" TJ responded walking into the house. He immediately felt something was off after seeing Damion laying on the couch almost lifeless. TJ whimpered at the sight of Damion seeming so helpless.

Damion turned his head to TJ and smiled. "Hey, what are you doing here? Didn't you just get out of school?" Damion asked. "Yeah, I rushed over here as quickly as possible to make sure you were okay," TJ said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Oh, well I'm fine. Just a little under the weather today." Damion responded in good spirits. "Well, I'm going to head back upstairs. Ring the bell if you need me." Jack spoke heading up the stairs shutting his room door behind him. "I don't know how you can possibly deal with him for so long." TJ chuckled watching the TV. "You get used to his high-strung attitude," Damion responds yawning. "I'm going to get some rest now. Feel free to change it to whatever station you like." Damion spoke in a drowsy tone. "I don't really watch TV," TJ responded but didn't get an answer. He looked over seeing that Damion was already asleep. He smiled before slowly reverting into his wolf form. His white fur seemed to glisten and his blue eyes sparkle. He jumped onto the couch with Damion nuzzling his nose under his arm so Damion was now holding him. It wasn't long before TJ was also asleep in Damion's arms.

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