Close Call

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 "The cost of California, beautiful isn't it 57?" The voice on the earpiece spoke. "Yeah, can you give me the mission debrief?" Matthew asked tapping his foot impatiently. "I please would be nice." The voice of a woman rang through his ear. "Please." Matthew reluctantly spoke rolling his eyes in the process.

"The victim, Parker Simmons was murdered at Jefferson Middle-High School two nights ago. Your job is to infiltrate the facility and find out who may have done this. The school is said to have five werewolves and, six vampires so this will not be an easy task 57. Three of the werewolves will not suspect a thing, but a Physics teacher by the name of 'Iris Miller' has caused problems for us before. I trust your timeless look will fit right in. Good luck, 57." The professional sounding woman spoke before ending the call. Matthew took out his earpiece and stomped crushing the item below his feet.


"Did you hear? We are getting a new student." Alex said excitedly. "Why are you so excited about getting a new student?" Aidan chuckled watching the boy jump up and down. "Because I am the one who gets to show them around. It's always fun." Alex said with a large smile on his face. Before anyone could say anything else, the intercom spoke loudly causing Asher and TJ to cover their ears. "Can, Alex please report to the main office, Alex Goodman; please report to the main office." It finishes making a loud clicking nose indicating the announcement was over. "And that's my cue." Alex smiled running out of the gym almost tripping. Aidan chuckled as he watched the clumsy boy make his way through the crowded halls. ". hurt yourself!" Aidan shouted. "I won't." A faint voice could be heard in the distance.


Alex finally made it to the office of the entirely too large school. He opened the office doors and instantly locked eyes with the blue-eyed boy. Alex put on the best smile possible trying to make the best impression possible. "Hi, I'm Alex." He spoke extending his hand for a shake. "Morris." The boy replied happily taking his hand. Matthew was dressed in black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red flannel with black plaid. He also wore a black beanie with red and black high-tops. "I like your outfit," Alex spoke. "Thank you, yours is pretty dashing as well," Matthew spoke as a blush crept across Alex's face.

After what seemed like an eternity, Alex finished showing Matthew around. "And that's pretty much it," Alex said looking at the school clock. "Shoot, it's almost time for lunch. Do you want to sit at our table?" Alex asked politely. "I would love to," Matthew replied with a smile on his face.

The bell rang and bodies flew out of classrooms rushing into the cafeteria. They were serving orange chicken today, the only thing people actually liked at the school. "Yes! They're serving orange chicken." Luna said making a mad dash to the front of the line. TJ and Asher decided they weren't hungry and took a seat at the table to wait for the rest of the crew to arrive. "Hey, guys," Alex spoke startling TJ. "COME ON!" TJ said holding his chest. Asher chuckled looking up finding an unfamiliar face. "Who is that?" Asher asked sounding a bit rude. "This is the new student, Morris," Alex said gesturing for Morris to introduce himself. "I'm Morris; it's nice to meet you all." Matthew plastered on a smile sensing both of the boys were werewolves. "Nice to meet you too." TJ and Asher replied directing their attention to the long line of students. "How come you aren't sitting with Damion and his friends?" Asher asked looking at Damion's table. "Because we know not everyone here gets along with one another. Plus he said he wanted to talk to Alison today about their relationship. TJ finished. Asher and Alex shrugged taking a seat. "Are you going to sit?" TJ asked the boy who seemed to be scanning the room. "Oh, yeah... Sorry." Matthew spoke taking a seat next to Alex.

"Might not want to sit there." TJ joked. "Why?" Matthew asked looking up to see a smiling boy. "Well hello there," Aidan spoke smiling like always. "Oh, am I in your seat?" Matthew asked. "Yes, but it's okay if you don't want to move. You were here first." Aidan chuckled. The boys locked eyes for a couple of seconds instantly realizing they knew each other. "No, it's fine," Matthew said standing up so the boy's faces were inches apart from touching. Matthew smirked while Aidan glared daggers into his soul before both boys took a seat. "What was that all about?" Alex asked immediately taking hold of Aidan's arm. "What was what?" Aidan asked not taking his eyes off the smirking boy.

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