Phases Of The Moon (Pt.1)

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   "Alright class, remember you have homework tonight." Mrs. Miller spoke as the bell rang. TJ got out of the classroom as fast as possible running straight to Alex's class. "Hey," TJ said seeming to appear out of thin air scaring Alex to death. "TJ, you cannot keep doing that," Alex said holding his heart. "Sorry, I just really wanted to see you," TJ said nervously. "Okay, what's wrong?" Alex asked crossing his arms. "Nothing, I really just wanted to see you," TJ replied honestly. Alex sighed hugging the bigger boy burying his head into his chest.

After School:

Asher, Alex, and TJ were all walking home from school. "Hey, Alex." A painfully familiar voice rang in TJ's head. Alex turned around and smiled seeing Adian running their way. "Adian!" Alex yelled giving him a hug. "Where are you guys going?" Aidan asked "Home." TJ said rudely as Asher punched his arm to get him to shut up. "Were heading home. Hey, do you want to come over?" Alex asked the blushing boy. "If that's okay with TJ," Adian said looking at his feet. "Well, it's n..." TJ stopped as Asher punched him in his back. "TJ's perfectly okay with that, aren't you?" Asher spoke the last bit through his teeth. TJ plastered on a fake smile before turning and walking in the other direction. "Where are you going?" Alex asked the seemingly frustrated boy. "To a friend's house," TJ said not turning to look once. Alex sighed. "Sorry about that. He gets jealous easy." Asher explained to Aidan. "It's quite alright. If my boyfriend looked like Alex I would be overprotective as well." Adian said making Alex's face turn a dark shade of red. Asher furrowed his eyebrows then shrugged. "Well, I'm going over to Jack's house," Asher said proudly. "Because you looooovvveeee him," Alex said making kissy faces towards him. "I do not..." Asher said trying to ignore the faces Alex was making. "Yeah right. I see the way you look at him." Alex said smirking. "Not the same way I look at you..." Asher said under his breath. "What?" Alex said looking at the boy. "Nothing!" Asher quickly said. Alex shrugged and walked Aidan to his house while Asher went to Jack's house.

TJ knocked on the door shaking a bit. He heard someone slowly rumbling down that stairs. TJ heard the door being unlocked as it slowly opened. Damion peaked his head out, his dark hazel eyes meeting TJ's bright blue ones. "What are you doing here?" Damion spoke in a raspy voice rubbing his eyes. "Did I wake you?" TJ asked looking down at his feet. "Well, yes," Damion said chuckling. Damion motioned for TJ to come in. TJ stepped into the cold house as Damion closed the door behind them. "Why is it so dark in here?" TJ asked looking around the large house that had all its lights off. "Because I can," Damion replied simply before grabbing a red package out of the fridge. "What the hell is that?" TJ asked squinting his eyes to see the object. "Do you always ask so many questions" Damion chuckled before his fangs appeared just below his top lip and sunk his teeth into the package draining it like a Capri-sun. TJ felt a tingle down his spine watching the boy drink what he was drinking. Once Damion finished, he threw the package in the trash. "It's a thirst quencher," Damion replied wiping the red liquid off his upper lip. "A thirst quencher?" TJ tilted his head in confusion. "It's to help me from going on rampages, feeding on human blood," Damion replied jumping on his couch turning on his TV. "Oh," TJ said taking a seat on the opposite couch. "I don't bite... that hard." Damion smirked showing one fang running his tongue over it. TJ completely lost it seeing the boy do that. TJ stood up and sat next to Damion who was flipping through movies on Netflix. "So, why are you here?" Damion asks again. "Well, my boyfriend is hanging out with some guy he's been texting. So I came here." TJ replied with anger in his voice. "I'm sure they're just friends. Don't get so worked up about it." Damion replied making TJ smile.

Two Hours Later:

Damion and TJ laughed as they watched Twilight. "Where did they get the sparkling from?" Damion laughed wiping tears from his eyes. "They look like Michael Jackson's shiny glove." TJ joked causing Damion to roll off the couch holding his stomach. "Stop it... stop it." Damion said through his laughter. TJ held his hand out to help the boy up. Damion took his hand as the strong boy pulled him up with ease. "Thank you, my kind sir," Damion said bowing. TJ rolled his eyes at the idiot before looking at the wall clock. "It's getting late. I should get home to Alex. He's probably worried sick." TJ said heading towards the door. "Alright, I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Damion asked. "Yeah." TJ smiled before leaving.

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