Old Scars

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             Damion was the first one up watching TV on the couch. "Why are you up so early?" TJ asked in his raspy morning voice. "I couldn't sleep and I don't need it so I just stayed up," Damion answered not taking his eyes off the TV. TJ rolled his eyes not even having enough energy to shoot a snarky remark at him. He found his way to the bathroom opening it before knocking. "GET OUT!" Alex squealed instantly snapping TJ awake. "I'm sorry." TJ quickly closed the door and sighed. "I really need to get that knocking thing down."

       Jack and Aiden finally woke up heading downstairs to meet up with everyone else. "Morning losers," Jack said walking directly into the kitchen to grab a false blood packet. "Can you toss me one?" Damion asked. Jack pulled out an extra throwing it at Damion. "Head's up." Damion caught the packet sharpening his fangs, sinking them into the substance. Damion and Jack completely drained the packets within a matter of seconds tossing them into the trash.

       "Now that you guys have eaten. What do we eat?" Aiden asked as his stomach began to growl. Damion and Jack shared a look and shrugged. "We can order takeout." Damion proposed. TJ shrugged and agreed and turned his attention to the television.

       Alex walked out of the bathroom with damp messy hair. He wore pajama pants and an oversized hoodie. "Hey, babe." Aiden smiled kissed the smaller boy on the nose. "Uck." TJ found himself saying aloud. Everyone turned to look at him with a questioning look. "I mean, aw so cute." He spoke letting out a nervous laugh.

      Everyone shrugged the comment off. "Yo, where's Asher?" Jack asked looking around the room. Everyone started to scan the room not seeing him anywhere. "I'm not sure. He slept here last night, right?" Alex asked. "Yeah, I'm sure he did," TJ asked furrowing his eyebrows.

      Suddenly, Asher comes bursting in through the front door locking it behind him. His breathing was heavily implying that he was running a lot. "Asher, what's going on?" Aiden asked the tired boy. Asher made eye contact with TJ explaining it all. "We have to go, now," TJ spoke quickly making his way to the back door. "What the hell is going on!" Jack shouted. "It's our old pack. They must have found where we have been staying." TJ informed. "Wait, why are they chasing you?" Damion asked the frantic boy. "I was next in line to be alpha, but I ran away. Him knowing that I have the power and skill to become an alpha, of course, he is going to hunt me down and try to kill me. Now since I've had people protecting me, he thinks I have a pack of my own." TJ explained. Everyone looked at each other and smiled. "We are your pack. Whatever wants to get to you, has to go through us." Jack spoke proudly.

        Everyone smiled before heading out the back door to found another escape route. "There are woods just behind my fence. I'm sure we can lose them in there." Jack informed. All of the boys quickly hopped the fence, entering the dimly lit woods. Loud sounds of paws hitting leaves quickly followed behind them. Without any communication at all, TJ reverted into his primal form. Asher followed quickly behind as Alex jumped on his back. "You guys go, I can slow them down," Aiden spoke rummaging through his bag. "You can't, just get on TJ's back and let's try and outrun them," Alex said in a surprisingly demanding tone. "First, that was hot. Second, I use to be a hunter. I will be fine, don't worry about me." Aiden planted a kiss on Alex's forehead before vanishing.

      Alex frowned before Asher and TJ took off into the woods followed by Damion and Jack. TJ and Asher ran swiftly through the woods, dodging trees and rocks at high speeds. Alex had become used to ridding on the wolfs back. "We have to go back for him," Alex said worriedly. The wolves did not respond, being unable to speak in their primal forms. Damion and Jack flew past them at high speeds. All Alex saw as a blackish blur.

        Suddenly, Damion and Jack stopped in their tracks causing TJ and Asher to run into the back of them. TJ growled before looking up seeing a man standing in front of him. "So son, how does it feel to be an Alpha?" The man spoke in a low deep tone. Without hesitation, TJ lunged at the man only to be sent flying and his back crashing against a tree. "TJ!" Alex shouted jumping off Asher's back running to the boy. Asher was frozen with fear. His ears went limp and fell to his side and he lowered his head. "Pathetic, taking this sorry excuse for a wolf with you and then recruiting vampires. Of all things vampires." The man boomed. "Oh, and who is this running along with your pack?" The man spoke throwing Aidan's lifeless body down in front of them. Alex quickly turned watching as Aiden's body hit the ground. "AIDEN!" Alex shouted still holding TJ's head in his lap.

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