The Baseball Game

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(You already know) 

Later That Night

"Guys, guys, we can talk about this," Jack said with chains around his wrist holding him in place. Asher's fist finds its way into Jacks' chest. The impact was so great Jack started to cough up blood. "Why where you guys attacking Alex," Asher asked growling. "Oh come on, you cannot tell me you don't want a piece of that," Jack said smiling while blood trickled out of his mouth. Asher raised his eyebrow confused while Alex blushed. "What do you mean by that?" TJ stepped up pushing Asher out of the way getting in the boy's face. "Ahh, so you were the one who marked the boy," Jack said spitting some blood on the floor next to TJ. "WHAT DID YOU WANT WITH HIM?" TJ shouted flipping over a desk that was near him getting back in the boy's face. "Down boy, we were just there to check if what we thought was true," Jack explained. "What was true?" Alex asked. "If you were..." TJ shuts the boy up grabbing him by the throat. "You will not say anything... Got it." TJ whispered aggressively in his ear. "Aye-aye caption." He said with a smile on his face. TJ suddenly broke the chains freeing the vampire. Jack lands on his feet and smiles standing straight up. "Your company was greatly appreciated," Jack said bowing and vanishing instantly. "What did he tell you about me?" Alex asked confused. "Nothing..." TJ said not even looking at Alex. Before Alex could even respond to his mom unlocks the door and walks in. "Honey I'm..." She stops mid-sentence to see two holes in the wall and a broken desk. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!" Angel shouted. "It's a long story."

"So you're telling me, that three vampires attacked my son in the middle of the night. You held your ground and an alpha wolf scared them off. Is that correct?" Alex's mother spoke rubbing her temple. The three boys nodded. "I knew I was going to have to tell you sooner or later." Angel said standing up walking over to Alex. "Honey... you're a special boy. A very, very special boy." She spoke softly. "Mom...?" Alex said becoming a bit frightened. "You aren't exactly a normal kid." Alex finished. Before she could finish Alex jumped out of the chair and posed flexing his nonexistent muscles. "I'm a werewolf!" He yelled causing Asher and TJ to burst out in laughter. Alex's mother shares a chuckle while the other two were practically crying from laughing so hard. "No honey." Alex mother said creating a disappointed Alex. "You're a harpy." Alex's mother finally said. "A what now?" Alex said confused. "A harpy, well half harpy. Your father was a full-blooded harpy and I am just a human. Harpies in the books are depicted to be unpleasant female scavengers. That is not true. Harpies are beautiful creatures who can also be male." Alex's mother explained. "Do I have cool powers like Asher or TJ?" Alex asked excitedly. "Well, you have the power to fly and grow talons," Angel said. "No super strength or super speed?" Alex sighed disappointedly. "Hey, you can fly. I wish I could do that. Make hunting so much easier." TJ informed. "Yeah, yeah," Alex said. "So... where are we going to sleep, now that there is a giant hole in my wall?" Alex asked looking at his mother. "We will be sleeping here of course. It is almost time for you to head to school and the shower works perfectly fine. By the time you get home from school, this will be all fixed." Angel smiled. "But mom..." Alex sighed. "No buts go take a shower," Angel demanded. TJ and Asher chuckled only to be glared at by Angel. "You two will be starting your first day of school today. I don't want to hear it." Angel snapped. "But..." TJ was cut off by her pointing her finger to the second bathroom that was upstairs. "Meanie," TJ mumbled. "I heard that!" She boomed causing TJ to run into the bathroom.

An hour later

The boys were ready for school. Alex was dressed in a button-up shirt, skinny jeans, and vans. TJ wore a white undershirt with a black zip-up jacket over the shirt, a pair of ripped skinny jeans and white high-tops. Asher wanted to look great on his first day. He wore a black formal jacket with a white undershirt, black jeans and black lace-up vans. Alex stared at Asher almost drooling before TJ caught his attention. "Alright boys, are you ready?" Angel said grabbing her keys. "Yeah," Asher yelled excitedly running out the door getting in the front seat. "I swear he is only four." TJ sighed. "That reminds me. How old are you guys?" Alex asked holding TJ's arm. "Well in human years... I would be 17 and he would be 16 soon to be 17." TJ informed. Alex let out a mental sigh of relief while getting in the car.

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