Chapter 3: My new home

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Her blue and white striped crop top laced her body, with a black skirt that hugged her lower waist. Peach shaded lips, with a hue of autumn, matched the honey texture of her glowing complexion. Diamond studs twinkled from her ears, harmonizing with the matching anklet that dangled above her airforce ones. The wind blew steadily, allowing the curls of her hair to defy gravity, like a lioness surrendering it's fur to gust around him.

Her stomach was sculpted—well toned, followed by her arms and legs. Her muscle mass below her waist matched her height, gifted by her mother genetics. Her enchantment of beauty placed its self as ozone around my heart. Just like the rest of the females that I met today, she caught my eye.

"What's good y'all.?" She finally walked her way over to where we were, throwing up her deuces.

"Hey Stacy." We all greeted her in one breathe, placing a joyous smile upon her face—it was lovely. The feeling of a downward rollercoaster ride overcame me when she positioned her eyes onto mine.

She tilted her head in a spirited manner and spoke. "Hi"

"Hi." I spoke calmly. "I'm Xavier." Greeting her the same way I greeted the rest, shaking her hand, as genuine as I can be.

"I take it you go by X, for short?" Stacy asked making her way up to sit with the rest of us upon the porch.


Too short...

"Well okay X, when did you get here?" Stacy asked, seeming captivated leaning forwards with her elbows in her lap.

"I got here 3 hours ago. I'm new to this state and this city."

"So, you're foreign to our culture to, huh?" She asked

Sad, but true. I've never visited or stayed in California before now. I  have heard so many things about the state since I was a little kid. The summers are warm, the people are full of culture, the parties are live, sometimes it can get too hot, but the Bay Area was the place to be. You hear California get mentioned in a lot of songs, and where celebrities thrive and such. But it's also a place where when you're a teenager, you get to live your best years.

"I guess you can say that." I replied. "It'll take some getting use too."

"I think you'll catch on just fine." Stacy smiled

"Oh X, my sissy just reminded me. All of us need to exchange contact information with you" Jessica jumped into our conversation

Contact information...?

I didn't think of such a thing until now, caught me off guard almost.

"Oh... well I can just pass my phone around." I announced typing in the passcode to open it up. "Y'all can add emojis, or whatever y'all decide y'all wanna do. And if you think about going through my phone, trust me it's pretty boring in there."

The girls snickered at my words, Candace was the first to take my phone.

"We didn't have any plans on evading your privacy." Tiffany explained.

Candace coughed sarcastically while holding my phone. "Speak for yourself."

She caused the group and herself to cackle in laughter —even I smiled. It seemed as if I was fitting in just fine. I looked over towards my house, and saw the driveway was still empty. I'm guessing my mother was still out finding food, and I'm over here putting myself in what I use to call an awkward situation. But things seem to be going just fine.

"So what made you want to move here?" Stacy asked me as everybody else made conversation behind us.

" really wasn't my choice. My mother received a new position as a surgeon and this is where they offered the job. Forcing us to move from Phoenix—our first home."

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