Chapter 4: Getting comfortable

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The sunlight rubbed against my eyelids, as I awaken to the warming temperature consuming the inside of our home. My eyes open in the slightest, and I become blinded by the unescapable gleam of light. Trying my best to ignore it, I attempt to fall back into my slumber for the next 2 minutes. But nothing occurred, counting the 120-second mark.

Yeah... I'm not falling back asleep...

I surrender to the morning sunshine and raise myself into the sinking memory foam. Stretching like a morning lion, I reached over to the dresser that sat beside my bed and picked up my phone. It's 7:20 am. Wish I could've slept a little longer, but God woke me up for a reason. The first thing I do getting back onto my feet is handling myself in the bathroom. Brushed my teeth for 3 minutes, and washed my face for 2 minutes straight.

While doing those two, I began predicting how this day would go on to be. It's my second day in California, and it's still unfamiliar. After spending a total of five minutes in my bathroom, I make my way up the wooden steps that lead to my balcony.

The birds sang to the morning sky, as the wind from the Bay Area collided with the palm trees that stood in our neighborhood. The warmth from the sun massaged the surface of my face, flaring the nerves within my pores. Back in Phoenix, the morning sun would be hot as hell. For a place that becomes so cold at night time, it was very easy to hit the 80-degree mark in the morning. I do kind of miss it though, always gave me an excuse to turn the AC on in the morning.

I laugh at the memory, making my way back inside.

I know it gets hot in Cali, but from what I've felt, it's been rather manageable. Stopping in my tracks, I was startled at the sight of my mom standing in the frame of my door. She didn't make her presence known, nor did she make any sounds with her feet that led down the hallway.

"Good morning." She finally greets me

"Good morning ma." I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah... yeah I did, it felt like I was on a cloud." I laid back down onto my melting mattress.

"Same, that memory foam does what it does." She smiled, making her freckles rise with her cheeks. "Well if you're hungry, it's still more food from yesterday in the fridge." She yawned. "I'll be in my room laying down, I'm still a little tired."

"I know what you mean. Oh before you go..." I raised myself back up. "I might go outside today with a couple of friends. I wanted to see if that's okay with you."

"Oh, of course. You don't have to ask, as long you let me know you're not leaving the neighborhood."

"Yeah, I just wanted you to know that I was going leave out the house sometime today." I explained.

"Well, I don't want you to be a homebody. So it's all good." She yawns again. "I'll catch you later, kiddo."

"Go get some more rest."

After sparking that small conversation with my mother, she left the doorframe and walked back up the hall. This time I heard her footsteps, as the wooden floors made those fading creaks beneath. I lift myself out of bed and picked up my beats pill that sat on the dresser underneath my tv. Connecting the Bluetooth on my phone, I go to my summer playlist—filled with artists like Khalid, Koffee and Blessed.

Even Lofi and Ambient music fit the dimension of the season. I chose a song from the list and laid back onto the surface of my sheets. The calm wind made its entrance through the open window doors of my patio, and the sound of lofi hip hop echoed throughout the walls of my room. Outside, no one was to be heard in our neighborhood. It was nothing like a ghost town, instead, you can feel the sleeping souls resting within the community.

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