Chapter 39: Lament

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"Angel." I back up against the door.

She appears from the left side of the room, dressed in a mahogany rob. Her smile is immoral, and her anklet chimes with each step she takes.

Folding her arms, she looks right through me—seductively. "Alone at last."

"You and Alexis planned this shit." I thought. "I thought we settled this at the beach, I thought we had an understanding."

"We did." She gets closer, and I'm against the wall. "We became friends, and... I thought that'd be enough to get close to you again."

"What is your problem? You know I can't do this, so you might as well stop while you're ahead." I stay calm, attempting to talk my way out of this.

"You're right." She reaches underneath my shirt, clawing me with her nails. "You can't do this... but I can."

She reaches down to my shaft and grabs it. From contact I could hear my heart thump out of place, and I become physically driven. Closing my eyes, I slapped her hand away and I hurry to the other side of the room—but she laughs. The room became hotter by the second, and from my rush of adrenaline it felt as if it was shrinking. I start banging on the walls trying to signal for help, but I could still feel the quacking bass beneath our feet.

"I'm not putting my hands on you. Get the hell away from me!" I shout.

"You can scream, you can shout, and you can moan as loud as you want. No matter how loud you do it, nobody can hear you." She explains, tilting her head to the side.

I backed up further, but found myself tripping up on the bed. Once I fell onto the sheets, she doesn't hesitate to jump on top of me.

She hold me down by my arms "If you lay one scar on me, I won't hesitate to go to the police."

Hearing her say that, sent me into a state 0f urgency. Number 1 I'm a football player, and it's been a lot others who were locked up for rape—even when they were innocent. No matter how innocent you confess you are, the female always gets the upper hand. Angel was bright, also indicating she can scar easily. If I do attempt to fight back, she may get hurt and it's a wrap for me.

"Dude, just get off of me!" I yelled at her, held down by both of her hands.

I try my hardest to break free without making any force full movements. Cause she can do anything, and say anything to the police.

"Shh shhhh." She tries to silence me. "X... X."

I try to ignore her comments while yet eluding her grip. She yelled at me to stop again just as I felt her knee kick its way between my legs. A jolt of pain sweeps my lower area.

"Fuck!" I shout, startled in anguish.

She removes her knee, placing her cooch down on my member—pants still on. She gets close to my face and our lips interlock.

She releases me from her kiss. "Baby, you making this harder than it has to be." She kisses me again, and I'm still startled by testicular pain. I kept trying to push her away from my mouth, but she steady kisses me—pulling on my lower lip and licking my skin. "What ever she don't know, won't hurt her." She was rubbing my hair.

"Why me... this is foul and wrong." I said

"Why not you." She kisses me again. "You're smart *kiss*, you're cute *kiss*, you're attractive *kiss*, and I like you're energy *kiss*.

I turn my head away from her. "Please stop... I don't want to do this."

As I said that, she then used her tongue to kiss me on my neck. Temptation began to unfold and I close my eyes to concentrate.

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