Chapter 43: Telegraph Avenue

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Stacy's POV

While I settle in the passenger seat, I listen to the soft tunes of the radio—driving our surroundings to be melancholy. My Aunt sailed through the congested highway, while gusts of wind from the upcoming storm rams into my side of the car window. I say my final goodbyes to Oakland and my stomach turned. My blood boils with remorse, but I try and force myself to be optimistic. There's no telling what kind of blessing Los Angeles may bestow upon me.

However, it won't be the same...

I laid my chin in the center of my palm, leaning closer to the rumbling window. I gape to the gloomy sky, the clouds were moving fast over our heads with lightning flickering in the sky every 10 seconds. We halted at a stop light, and a drop of rain hit the windshield like a tear drop.

The rain drop snagged my attention. I proceed to look back up in the sky and a sheet of downpour fell apon us. The rain sounded like little pebbles hitting against the windshield, and it thundered as lightning jolted across the sky.

I breathe heavily in disbelief, rubbing the center of my forehead. "I understand... And I'm glad you told me, but I don't want you to be going out late like that again. None of y'all... just not in those areas. In Oakland, it can be very dangerous during the night, especially in the summer. Though the city is beautiful, the crime rate is bad here.

He rose from the couch to stare out the window "I know... and I knew that on the first day we moved here." He exhaled. "I just became too comfortable."

"Well..." I approached him from behind, wrapping both of my arms around his shoulder. "...God allowed you to walk away. He wanted to remind you that you can't always guarantee your safety, and if he's sending you a message..." I rotate his face towards me. "...heed it."

"I'll never make that mistake again."

"Good." I released his chin, climbing off his back. "Cause we're going to need you around for a long time."

"What makes you say that."

"Because your family needs you." I peck him on the lips, and another outcry of thunder pounded the sky with its prominent roar.

"You're excited for LA?" My Aunt Carla asked, bringing me back to reality.

Not really...

"Sure." I respond and faking my enthusiasm.

"Really?" She glanced to me, raising one eyebrow. "You don't sound excited."

I pretended as if I didn't hear her, gazing back outside to watch the rain fall. The streets faded as if fog clouded our vision. The sky was so dark you'd think it was night time, only able to see red tail lights of other vehicles. The traffic light turned green, and we proceeded down the street once again. Concentrating on my surroundings, I observed the buildings that towered over us.

That's when I came to the realization that we were getting close to downtown.

Skylar's POV...

Inside Claudia's house was so silent, all you could was the strong winds that brushed against the house. The skies remained dark and cloudy, and it was as if the wind blowed from the four corners of earth. Lightening flickered through the crevasses of the lumpy clouds, and it thundered to where the house shook.

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