Chapter 13: Old Trauma

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Jordan POV...

Last year was sort of a mediocre year for our football team. 6-3 was our record and luckily we had a shot at the playoffs.

Already one of the top high school football programs in our city, we had greater ambitions we wanted to achieve. A team gathering was announced the day before the game. The Head Coach set it up, contacting all of the players and coaches to meet at the field house. As said before we were 2nd in line behind the starters, but arrived in the field house as early as we could. Almost as if we were the primary group who were going to hit the field.

My mom dropped Markus and me off behind the school building, spotting Arron, August, and Damion walking towards the field house. We got out in an instant, grabbing our football bags out of the trunk of the car. She drives off after closing down the trunk, we make our way over to our closest teammates.

"Yo, wassup Mark." August slapped hands.

"Sup August. I thought coach said that we were off today." I was confused.

"Shit I thought the same thing. I don't know why he calling us out of the blue like this." Arron adds on, opening the door to the field house. "But, let's just go inside to see wassup."

Entering the meeting room, it was silent. Silent to the point you could hear the purring sound of the AC traveling throughout the school's roof. Seniors, juniors, sophomores all down on one knee giving our head coach their undivided attention, waiting for him to speak.
We were one of the few last groups to enter the building, kneeling behind at least 54 players deep. Quiet as a silent night the room grew in anxiety, realizing the Coach wasn't in his natural state of mind. Usually excited to see us or even be here, he was a bit off that day.

After waiting almost 15 more minutes, he began to speak.

August POV...

Coach spoke for at least 30 minutes. Clarifying how we've grown as a team this past year, how we've learned to work better with each other, and how our bond was priceless. But, I don't believe those words meant as much as his final phrases. The information that felt more crucial, were the allegations I remembered last.

"Alright, y'all. Tomorrow not only decides if we are region champs but also decides if we're going on to the playoffs." The coach contiuened on. "And, beyond the shadow of a doubt, I believe we have the ability to make it to the championship. It just takes one game at a time. Just as we've done this past season, we took care of business. Yeah, we had some up and downs, but that didn't slow us up.  Y'all kept pushing, y'all kept grinding, and y'all didn't forget what goal we yearned to achieve. Just as we did last week, we have to execute our enemy tomorrow. And the game after that, and the game after that. Tomorrow... we'll be going against Oakland Tech."

My heart sunk. The groans from the rest of our teammates spoke in one dialect, fear.  No words had to be exchanged, for everyone was in awe.

"Yes... I know. The number 1 team in Oakland right now with only 1 loss. Tough opponents, haven't played them all season. But, we cannot let them determine our fate on our road to victory." Our Coach Lastly explained.

"Are we doing anything, today coach?" Markus asked. "There's got to be some extra work we can put in or something we can do."

"No. Today we all go home and we rest. But tomorrow... We all decide... If it's either us or them." The coach said

Markus POV.....

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