Chapter 5: Eastern California

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Stacy POV...

The afternoon was mellow, and it's the second day of our summer break. The temperature was about 85, and not one cloud were to be spotted above our heads. The fonds from the trees flowed with the wind, as the flowers in Mrs. Daniels's garden flourished.

I bent down over the small garden, feeling on the smooth textured rose pedals that bloomed with the sunlight. While I played with the flowers, the rest of the girls hung out under the shaded patio—talking amongst each other.

Candace sat on the floor Indian style, while Tiffany braided her hair into two ponytails. Claudia sat on the baige sofa with her legs crossed, posing next to Skylar while recording. The Twins were playing FunRun against each other on they're phones. Then there's me, more intrigued by a bunch of flowers that are now surrounded by buzzing honey bees.

"Aye go long!" Jordan shouted, and I turned around just in time to see him throw the ball.

The football spiraled down field, and Xavier kept up with it's velocity. The muscles within his arms flexed as he sprinted right under it, now descending towards the ground. Before the football could touch the grass, he leaped forward and it fell right into his hands.

"Impressive." I said under my breathe, watching him rise up off of the ground, shaking the remaining grass off of his clothes.

He lifts up his shirt to wipe his face, exposing his chiseled core. My eyebrows rose off of natural instinct. Not staring, I look back down towards the flowers taking my mind off of his body. My cheeks became warm, and my heart sunk beneath my lungs.

"Do y'all think he likes me?" Claudia speaks out of the blue.

I immediately break out of my trance. Switching my attention to the girls, and with the same facial expression they all glanced at Claudia.

"Really.... Already?" Tiffany had the expression of confusion written on her face. "You can't let the boy breathe, huh? He's only been here for a day."

"Look, It was just a thought." Claudia giggled. "It's not like y'all trying to make moves on him."

"I mean, Xavier he's cute and all but... y'all know how I feel about Markus." Tiffany explained.

"And I have a boyfriend." Skylar elaborated.

"Well, I'm single and I definitely find him attractive." Candace spoke, smiling with no worries. "But I feel like he'll be more of a friend than anything else though, is that weird? Besides my personality might scare him."

These girls...I thought to myself, shaking the remaining soil off of my hands.

"Candace, yesterday he didn't find you that scary." I jumped in the conversation, picking my self up off the ground making my way onto the sofa. "And I thought you had a thing for Jordan, Claudia."

"I mean... I do... okay let me just slow myself down. However let's talk about you, you don't have a boyfriend, nor have any interest for anybody."

"Eh eh, by choice." I slowed her down.

"I mean come on Stacy. You haven't dated anybody since Miles, back in elementary." Jessica explained.

Ew...why would she even bring that up? That was 10 years ago.

"And it's kind of starting to make me second guess, if your tendency is actually for boys." Jellisa raised her eyebrows, looking up at me from her phone.

"Woah, woah, okay time out." I laughed at they're choice of words. "First I'll have you know that I am 100% heterosexual, and second I don't think I need to be wasting my time with some snot nose boys, when I can be focused on myself."

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