Chapter 42: Temporary Farewell

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=Saturday Noon=

Stacy's POV...

Days passed by in the twinkle of an eye, and no amount of preparation could equip me for this moment. I have never cried or felt so heavy about an decision, ever, until this week. However, I understand the biggest sacrifices require the strongest sanity. Nevertheless, my sanity has been demolished by the grief of my friends and family.

"Do you really have to leave?" Tiffany continues to sob, dabbing her eyes with the folded tissue.

I placed my last suitcase in the trunk of my Aunt's Lexus, weeping at her words. I give her a hug and she quivers, the beat of her heart pounds against my chest.

I struggle to breathe. "This is something I have to do Tiffany." I explain. "I wish there was another way, but this is a opportunity I can't let go."

Back on Wednesday, I broke the news to the girls and they did not take it lightly—neither did Markus or Jordan. Speaking of those two, they came over earlier to say goodbye but they couldn't stomach staying long enough to see me off. As for Xavier.


My Aunt Carla declared yesterday that she would be down here to pick me up, and it seemed as if she got here with no trouble. I didn't even get the chance mellow out on my last day here, and guilt only expanded like a balloon.

Except for taking a final moment with my people, I had to pack my suitcases in her trunk—leaving my room with blank walls and echos. She got here only 10 minutes ago, and she's desperate to get right back on the road.

I'll be heading south... I thought, watching the rest of the girls run to my front yard. They noticed I was leaving sooner than I expressed, and the look on they're faces sent chills up my spine. I was devasted. Glancing up, the blue skies were concealed with silver clouds. The Bay Area will be receiving some rain, but not even the downpour could compare to my sisters tears.

"Stacy, Bebita you still have a choice." Jellisa whines in my arms. "We're supposed to graduate with each other."

I have to stop crying... I pondered. If I continue to cry it's just going to make things worst.

"I know..." I cleared my throat, "...but... Things are just so complicated right now, I can't be here. I can always stay in contact with y'all." I respond. "Just because I'm moving doesn't mean I can't visit."

"But that's not enough" Jessica added. "We need you here with us, please don't go." Her voice breaks as well.

"I'm sorry, I don't feel as if I have a choice. My ambition is greater than I can express, I have to do this."

"You have to do this?" Candace sounds from behind me. "You're not doing anything but being selfish. I understand you loved your Aunt, but moving close to your dream college isn't going to guarantee you get seen. Nothing and nobody can just fill this void you're leaving us with. You have been the heart and soul of this family, ever since we were 5. I knew from then on..." She chokes on her sob. "If one of us fall apart, we all fall apart." She placed her hand over mouth, and shakes.

"Candace..." I whine, struggling to hold back my tears. "'re making this harder than it needs to be."

"No... I'm saying it like I see it ." Candace snatches my hand away from her. "This isn't right!" She shrieks like a child, running out of my front yard with no signs of looking back.


I watched her cut through the neighborhood, sprinting back to her home. I did not think it was going to be this hard.

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